Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
MagnetrolSSN 403B Magnetrol S/N Magnetrol S/N - Serial number of this unit. R/W ASCII 2052
Initials 403C Date/Time/Initials When and by whom calibration was performed. R/W PackedAscii 2052
FirmwareVersion 403D Firmware Version Revisão do Software do dispositivo de campo – Essa revisão corresponde ao software ou firmware, que está incorporado no dispositivo de campo R ASCII 2052
blocking_dist 403E Blocking Distance Distance below the transducer face within which level is not sensed. Operation when the liquid level is within the blocking distance is undefined. R/W Float 2048
ref_dist 403F Reference Distance The reference distance is distance from the face of the transducer to the point of zero flow in the flow element. R/W Float 2048
max_flow 4040 Maximum Flow Maximum flow is the largest value that will be displayed for flow. It is calculated from the Maximum Head. R Float 2050
max_head 4041 Maximum Head Maximum head is the ohighest level allowed for the selected flow element. This value depends on which flow element is selected, and where the Model 355 is mounted. R/W Float 2048
low_flow_cutoff 1F51 Low Flow Cutoff Low flow cutoff will force a zero flow value when the level is below this point. R/W Float 2048
custom_unit_text 4042 Custom Unit Text Text describing the units for the custom unit output. R/W ASCII 2048
custom_unit_text_fake 4043 Custom Unit Text Text describing the units for the custom unit output. R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class