Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
flow_set20mA 401D Flow 20 mA Set Point Valor de rango superior: Define el punto final de funcionamiento del cual se derivan el valor analógico y el punto 100% del rango de porcentaje. Además, el valor de rango superior define un punto final de funcionamiento del que se derivan las alarmas asociadas con el valor analógico y las alarmas asociadas con la representación del valor digital. R/W Float 64
sensor_serial_number 401E Snsr s/n R Unsigned 2048
Range 401F Range The distance from the face of the transducer to the bottom of the vessel or flow element. R/W Float 2048
vessel_type 4020 Vessel Type Shape of vessel. R/W Enum 2048
radius 4021 Radius Radius of the cylindrical portion of the vessel. R/W Float 2048
ellipse_height 4022 Ellipse Height Height of the elliptical portion of the vessel. R/W Float 2048
conical_height 4023 Conical Height Height of the conical portion of the vessel. R/W Float 2048
width 4024 Width Horizontal width of the rectangular vessel. R/W Float 2048
length 4025 Length Horizontal length of the rectangular vessel or of the cylindrical portion of a vessel with elliptical or spherical ends. R/W Float 2048
ellipse_end 4026 Ellipse End Horizontal length of the elliptical end of the vessel. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class