Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
flow_element 4027 Flow Element Type of Flow Element. R/W Enum 2048
crest_length 4028 Crest Length Horizontal width of the crest of the weir. R/W Float 2048
factor_K 4029 K Factor K of the generic equation: Flow = K*(L-C*H)H^n where H = head. R/W Float 2048
factor_L 402A L Factor L of the generic equation: Flow = K*(L-C*H)H^n where H = head. R/W Float 2048
factor_C 402B C Factor C of the generic equation: Flow = K*(L-C*H)H^n where H = head. R/W Float 2048
factor_n 402C n Factor n of the generic equation: Flow = K*(L-C*H)H^n where H = head. R/W Float 2048
level_offset 402D Level Offset Adjusts desired level reading when liquid surface is at the bottom of the range. R/W Float 2048
TrimLevel 402E Trim Level Trim Level is an offset value to be used to force the transmitter to output the exact Level. This should only be used after all parameters have been entered correctly, and it has been confirmed that the transmitter is tracking the correct level. R/W Float 2048
measure_type 402F Measurement Type Selection of Measurement Type. R/W Enum 2048
UserPassword 4030 New User Password Password required to change user parameter settings from keypad. R/W Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class