Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
upper_ao_limit 4001 Upper AO limit Upper AO limit- Defines the upper AO limit - from 20 mA to 22.0 mA. R/W Float 64
drain_vent_position 4003 Drain vent posit Drain vent position- Position of the drain vent (opposite to process connection or at the side of process flange). R/W Enum 2048
el_housing_material 4002 Elect housing matl R Enum 2048
local_display_unit 4000 Local Display unit Единицы измерения переменной полевого устройства - ед.изм., которые должна отображаться с 'Числовым значением', 'Минимальным диапазоном', 'Значение верхнего предела диапазона', 'Значение нижнего предела диапазона', 'Нижний предел сенсора' и 'Верхний предел сенсора' R/W Enum 8
extension_length 2B01 Extension length Extension length- Tube length of the Remote Seal. R/W Enum 2048
ex_proof 2B06 Explos protection Explosion protection- Indicates the certification of the Field Device for the use in a hazardous area. R Enum 2048
process_connection 2B02 Process connection Process connection- Female thread and fastening screw thread (flange type). R Enum 2048
cable_inlet 2B03 Electr connection Electr connection- Cable inlet. R Enum 2048
process_flange_bolts_material 2B04 Process flnge bolt Process flange bolts- Materials. R Enum 2048
low_analog_output_alarm_value 2B08 Alrm LRV Alarm LRV- Low analog output alarm value (mA). R Float 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class