Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
nPoint 40C8 Number of points · In order to be able to measure volume with the BM 70 A/P /700/702, a conversion table (volume table) needs to be set. · By means of the volume table, various levels are allocated to specific volumes previously calculated or measured out. · In the case of non-symmetrical tanks, e.g. tanks with dished bottom, the accuracy of volume measurement will depend on the number of set "level/volume pairs". The maximum number of pairs (points) that can be set is 50; the volume is linearly determined (interpolated) between 2 points. Minimum number of points is 2. · To delete table set this field to 0. R/W Unsigned 16
point_nmb 40DF R/W Index 4096
point_number 40DC R/W Unsigned 4096
point_level 40DD R/W Float 16
point_volume 40DE R/W Float 16
flgRelVal 40E7 Relay R/W Enum 1026
relay_control 402D SW Output S W Enum 4096
hwTestStatus 40EB hwTestStatus R Unsigned 2048
hwTestCounter 40EC hwTestCounter R Unsigned 2048
espRecord 40EE W Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class