Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
AO1_analog_units 40C7 R/W Enum 64
AO1_analog_value 408E Valor de salida analógica: Valor que sigue la representación del valor digital, bajo modos de funcionamiento normales R/W Float 66
AO1_pct_of_range 408F Porcentaje de rango: Variable que rastrea la representación del valor digital con respecto al rango definido por el valor de rango inferior y el valor de rango superior, para modos de funcionamiento normales. Las unidades de esta variable siempre son en porcentaje. R/W Float 66
AO1_max 40A9 Scale I max R/W Float 64
AO1_min 40A8 Scale I min R/W Float 64
AO1_alarm_select 40C8 AO Alrm typ Analog Output Alarm Type- Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE- The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R Enum 64
AO1_min_max_units 40C9 R/W Unsigned 32
damping_value 409C Time Constant The "Time Constant" allows filtering of possible signal fluctuations when the tank is turbulent. The minimum and maximum values are 1 and 100 seconds respectively. The factory default value is 5 seconds. R/W Float 8
no_unit 40CA R/W Enum 4096
lenUnit 40A1 Length Unit This function sets units for all measurements and configuration parameters having linear units. R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class