Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
level_threshold 4023 Level Threshold The Threshold voltage provides a method of signal detection along the waveform. The signal from the process reflection must cross this barrier to be detected as a signal. The MT5xxx is designed to detect the first pulse crossing the Threshold. The LEVEL THRESHOLD may need to be increased to avoid baseline interference or decreased to detect the correct pulse. R/W Float 2048
interface_threshold 42B2 Interface Threshold The Threshold voltage provides a method of signal detection along the waveform. The signal from the process reflection must cross this barrier to be detected as a signal. The MT5xxx is designed to detect the first pulse crossing the Threshold. The LEVEL THRESHOLD may need to be increased to avoid baseline interference or decreased to detect the correct pulse. R/W Float 2048
threshold_comp 42B3 Threshold Compensation R/W Unsigned 2048
lower_trim_point 4024 Low Trim Point R Float 2048
lower_trim_count 4025 Lower Trim Count R Unsigned 2048
upper_trim_point 4026 High Trim Point R Float 2048
upper_trim_count 4027 High Trim Count R Unsigned 2048
sensor_reference 4028 Sensor Reference R Unsigned 2048
gain 4029 Gain GAIN is a factory set function designed to adjust the return pulse to the best possible signal to noise ratio. The GAIN setting will be optimized by the MT5xxx based on the entries from the BASIC SETUP menu. Increasing the GAIN setting will amplify the noise as well as the return pulse. Lowering the GAIN setting will decrease the return pulse as well as the noise. R/W Unsigned 2048
range 402A Range The RANGE setting is determined by the PROBE LENGTH. RANGE 1 is set for probes shorter than 100 feet. RANGE 2 is set for probes from 100 to 200 feet. Changing the RANGE setting will erase all factory trim settings and calibration values. Changing the RANGE setting is not recommended unless a commitment to changing the physical probe length has been made. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class