名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
percentRange 00E9 主变量 % 范围 % 范围——跟踪有关下限值和上限值所定义范围的数值表示的变量,该变量的单位始终为百分数。 浮点 34
transfer_function 1F84 转换功能 传送功能——定义由现场设备变量应用至模拟量输出和百分比范围的传送功能。传送功能不影响数值表示。 读/写 枚举 32
upperRange_value 00EA 主变量实际量程上限 The digital value for the Primary Variable which represents the 20mA output on the 4-20mA Loop Current. Please ensure that the value entered is within the upper and lower limits for the current Primary Variable. 读/写 浮点 32
lowerRange_value 00EB 主变量实际量程下限 The digital value for the Primary Variable which represents the 4mA output on the 4-20mA Loop Current. Please ensure that the value entered is within the upper and lower limits for the current Primary Variable. 读/写 浮点 32
module_type_code 177B Meter Body Type Measurement Type - Type of measurement application this Field Device is intended to be used with. 枚举 2048
pressure_sensor_serial_number 1770 Meter Body S/N Meter Body Serial Number - Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. PV Sensor- Pressure hardware that measures pressure with respect to a reference pressure. 无符号 2048
pressure_units 138D 压力单位 PV Unit - Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit. PV - Pressure of the process measured with respect to a reference pressure. 读/写 枚举 8
pressure_value 138E Primary Variable (PV) Field Device Variable Value- Digital value that changes magnitude with respect to time with no user intervention. Pressure- Pressure of the process measured with respect to a reference pressure. 浮点 10
pressure_minimum_span 1390 压力最小范围 Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. PV - Pressure of the process measured with respect to a reference pressure. 浮点 8
pressure_damping_value 1398 PV Damping [sec] This allows filtering to be applied to the digital and analog representation of the Primary Variable. The damping value represents one time constant (i.e. response to step input reaches 63% of final steady-state value after time specified has elapsed) as per the HART specification. This damping is applied to both the digital Primary Variable as well as the analog Loop Current. 读/写 浮点 8
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