名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
C4W_ApplicationSpecificParameter6_1 4018 Parameter 6 Enter application specific value 6 for application specific calculation 读/写 浮点 2048
C4W_ApplicationSpecificParameter7_1 4019 Parameter 7 Enter application specific value 7 for application specific calculation 读/写 浮点 2048
C4W_ApplicationSpecificParameter8_1 401A Parameter 8 Enter application specific value 8 for application specific calculation 读/写 浮点 2048
C4W_ApplicationSpecificParameter9_1 401B Parameter 9 Enter application specific value 9 for application specific calculation 读/写 浮点 2048
C4W_Asymmetry_1 401C Signal asymmetry 0 Displays the relative difference between the signal amplitudes of the inlet sensor and the outlet sensor of the first oscillation mode. 浮点 2
C4W_C_ArrayElement_1_1 401D C0 Displays the current coefficients for density. 浮点 2048
C4W_C_ArrayElement_2_1 401E C1 Displays the current coefficients for density. 浮点 2048
C4W_C_ArrayElement_3_1 401F C2 Displays the current coefficients for density. 浮点 2048
C4W_C_ArrayElement_4_1 4020 C3 Displays the current coefficients for density. 浮点 2048
C4W_C_ArrayElement_5_1 4021 C4 Displays the current coefficients for density. 浮点 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类