名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
FlowUpperRangeValue 408D Set URV Enter a flow / pressure value for the upper current value (20mA) 读/写 浮点 32
FourMaCurrentLimit 408E Set min. current Enter lower current limit / Options: 3.8mA; 4.0mA 读/写 枚举 32
GenericDeviceType 4052 Device name str. 枚举 32
HartDate 408F HART date Enter the date of the last configuration change 读/写 压缩文本 32
HartDescriptor 4090 Descriptor Enter the tag description 读/写 压缩文本 32
HartMessage 4091 HART message Enter a message 读/写 压缩文本 32
HeightUnitEasy 4092 Height unit Selection of height unit / The measured pressure is converted 读/写 枚举 32
HighCalOffsetCurrent 4094 Offset trim 20mA Displays the difference between 20mA and the value entered for the CURRENT TRIM 20mA paramter 读/写 浮点 32
HighCalWrittenCurrent 4095 Curr. trim 20mA Enter current value for the upper point of the current output trim line 读/写 浮点 32
HighLevelEasy 4096 Full calib. Enter a level, volume, mass or percentage value for the upper calibration point 读/写 浮点 32
HighLevelEasyWet 4097 Full calib. Enter level value for the upper calibration point (tank full) 读/写 浮点 32
HighLevelPressureEasy 409A Full pressure Enter the pressure value for the upper calibration point 读/写 浮点 32
LastAlarmInfo_io 409B Last diag. code Displays the last message that occured and is elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo0 409C Last diag. 1 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo1 409D Last diag. 2 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo2 409E Last diag. 3 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo3 409F Last diag. 4 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo4 40A0 Last diag. 5 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo5 40A1 Last diag. 6 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo6 40A2 Last diag. 7 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo7 40A3 Last diag. 8 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo8 40A4 Last diag. 9 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
LastAlarmInfo9 40A5 Last diag. 10 Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated 枚举 2
Level100PercentValueEasy 40A6 Full height Enter the height value for the upper calibration point (tank full) 读/写 浮点 32
LevelAdjustDensityEasy 40A7 Adjust density Enter the density of a fluid / The measured pressure is converted to a height 读/写 浮点 32
LevelAdjustment 4093 Level selection Selection of the level mode 读/写 枚举 32
LevelAdjustModeEasy 4098 Calibration mode Selection of the calibration mode / Wet or dry calibration 读/写 枚举 32
LevelAvailable 40A8 Level option Displays the availability of the operating mode level 枚举 32
LevelMeasurementDensityEasy 4033 Process density Enter a new density value for density correction 读/写 浮点 32
LevelOffsetEasy 40A9 Empty height Enter the height value for the lower calibration point (tank empty) 读/写 浮点 32
LevelSimulationValue 40AA Sim. level Enter simulation value 读/写 浮点 32
LevelTankDescription 40AB Tank description Enter a tank description for simulation needs 读/写 压缩文本 32
LevelUnit 40AC ENG. UNIT LEVEL 枚举 32
LinearisationTableEdit 40AD Edit table Selection of the function for the linearisation table 读/写 枚举 32
LinearisationTableIndex 40B0 Line-numb: Confirmation of the value displayed 读/写 无符号 32
LinearisationTableMode 40AE Lin. mode Selection of the entry mode for the linearisation table 读/写 枚举 32
LinearisationTableXValue 40B3 X-val: X-Value of linenumber / The hydrostatic pressure present is displayed and saved by confirming the Y-value 读/写 浮点 32
LinearisationTableYValue 40B4 Y-val: Y-Value of linenumber / Depending on the settings of the parameter UNIT AFTER LIN., enter the volume, mass or % value 读/写 浮点 32
LinearLevelMax 40B5 LEVEL MAX 读/写 浮点 32
LinearLevelMin 40B6 LEVEL MIN 读/写 浮点 32
LongTag 40B7 Device tag Enter a tag number 读/写 ASCII 32
LoopCurrentMode 40B8 Current mode Enables and disables the ''Multidropmode'' 读/写 枚举 32
LowCalOffsetCurrent 40B9 Offset trim 4mA Displays the difference between 4mA and the value entered for the CURRENT TRIM 4mA parameter 读/写 浮点 32
LowCalWrittenCurrent 40BA Curr. trim 4mA Enter current value for the lower point of the current output trim line 读/写 浮点 32
LowerRangeValue 40BB Set LRV 读/写 浮点 32
LowLevelEasy 40BC Empty calib. Enter a level, volume, mass or percentage value for the lower calibration point 读/写 浮点 32
LowLevelEasyWet 40BD Empty calib. Enter level value for the lower calibration point (tank empty) 读/写 浮点 32
LowLevelPressureEasy 40BE Empty pressure Enter the pressure value for the lower calibration point 读/写 浮点 32
LSDisplayLanguage 407A 枚举 32
LSDisplayMainline2Content 407C 枚举 32
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类