
Variable Name: LastAlarmInfo7

Variable ID: 0x40A3

Variable Label: Last diag. 8

Variable Help: Displays the last messages that occured and are elimitated

Variable Handling: R

Variable Class: Dynamic

Variable Size: 2

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0000 No error
0x03E9 F261 Electronics
0x03EA F282 Data memory
0x03EB F282 Data memory
0x03EC F282 Data memory
0x03ED F283 Permanent mem.
0x03EE F283 Permanent mem.
0x03EF F283 Permanent mem.
0x03F0 F283 Permanent mem.
0x03F1 F283 Permanent mem.
0x03F2 F283 Permanent mem.
0x03F3 F283 Permanent mem.
0x03F4 F261 Electronics
0x03F5 F261 Electronics
0x03F6 F062 Sensor connect.
0x03F7 F261 Electronics
0x03F8 F002 Sensor unknown
0x03F9 F083 Permanent mem.
0x03FA F081 Initialization
0x03FB F062 Sensor connect.
0x03FC F411 Up-/Download
0x03FD F512 Linearization
0x03FE F511 Linearization
0x03FF F510 Linearization
0x0400 F437 Configuration
0x0401 F882 Input signal
0x0BD2 S140 Working range P
0x0402 F140 Working range P
0x0BD3 S841 Sensor range
0x0403 F841 Sensor range
0x0BD4 S841 Sensor range
0x0404 F841 Sensor range
0x0BD5 S110 Working range T
0x0BD6 S822 Process temp.
0x0BD7 S822 Process temp.
0x07F0 C824 Process press.
0x0FC1 M434 Scaling
0x0FC2 M434 Scaling
0x0FC3 M434 Scaling
0x0FC4 M515 Config. flow
0x0BDD S971 Adjustment
0x0FC6 M431 Adjustment
0x0FC7 M882 Input signal
0x07F8 C412 Backup in prog.
0x0FC9 M283 Permanent mem.
0x0FCA M438 Data record
0x0FCB M002 Sensor unknown
0x0FCC M520 Ident number
0x07FD C485 Measure simul.
0x07FE C482 Current simul.
0x07FF C484 Error simul.
0x0030 No error
0x270F dummy

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List


Variable Write Command List
