Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
snsrPartNo 4011 Part No. The part number of the sensor installed in this Polytron2 R ASCII 2048
snsrSerialNo 4012 SerNo. The serial number of the sensor installed in this Polytron2 R ASCII 2048
mfrYear 4019 YearMade The year this sensor was manufactured R Unsigned 2048
mfrMonth 4018 Month The month this sensor was manufactured R Unsigned 2048
mfrDay 4017 DayMade The day this sensor was manufactured R Unsigned 2048
snsrEepromType 4013 EEPROM Type The type of the DB in this sensor EEPROM R Unsigned 2048
snsrEepromVersion 4014 EEPROM Version The version number DB in this sensor EEPROM R Unsigned 2048
dayNow 4022 P2 Clock Day The Day currently read from the Polytron2 internal clock R/W Unsigned 2050
monthNow 4023 P2 Clock Month The Month currently read from the Polytron2 internal clock R/W Unsigned 2050
yearNow 4024 P2 Clock Year The Year currently read from the Polytron2 internal clock R/W Unsigned 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class