Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
mode_of_calibration 401F R/W Unsigned 4096
valve_open_slew_limit 4020 Opening Speed The speed limit at which the valve opens. This index limits how fast the control input is applied to the input of the valve feedback loop when valve is opening. R/W Enum 8
valve_close_slew_limit 4021 Closing Speed The speed limit at which the valve closes. This index limits how fast the control input is applied to the input of the valve feedback loop when valve is closing. R/W Enum 8
digital_setpoint 4022 Dig.Setpt Digital Setpoint allows digital control with the percent value specified, when digital mode is enabled. R/W Unsigned 8
mA_upper_limit 4023 Setpn FS Indicates the setpoint upper limit in mA. R/W Unsigned 8
mA_lower_limit 4024 Setpn Zero Indicates the setpoint lower limit in mA. R/W Unsigned 8
IFS 4025 Max Current IFS is measured Full Scale Loop Current R/W Float 8
IMN 4026 Min Current IMN is measured Minimum Loop Current R/W Float 8
NFS 4027 Full scale A/D count Full scale A/D count returned by command 135 R/W Unsigned 8
NMN 4028 MIN scale A/D count Minimum scale A/D count returned by command 135 W Unsigned 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class