名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
travel_high 4033 Travel High Denotes the upper travel limit of the valve before the travel alert is set. 读/写 无符号 8
travel_low 4034 Travel Low Denotes the lower travel limit of the valve before the travel alert is set. 读/写 无符号 8
travel_db 4035 Travel DB Denotes the travel limit deadband of the valve. 读/写 无符号 8
cycle_count 4036 Cycle Count Denotes the cycle count of the valve. 读/写 无符号 10
cycle_limit 4037 Cycle Limit Denotes the cycle limit of the valve before the cycle alert is set. 读/写 无符号 8
cycle_db 4038 Cycle DB Denotes the cycle deadband of the valve. 读/写 无符号 8
acum_count 4039 Accum. Count Denotes the Accumulator count of the valve. 读/写 无符号 10
acum_limit 403A Accum. Limit Denotes the accumulator limit of the valve before the accumulator alert is set. 读/写 无符号 8
acum_db 403B Accum. DB Denotes the accumulator deadband of the valve. 读/写 无符号 8
dev_db 403C Deviation DB Denotes the deviation deadband of the valve. 读/写 无符号 8
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类