Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
output_analog_value 4008 Output I Refers to the actual valve position in terms of current in mA. R Float 66
damping_val 4009 PV Damp Valor de amortiguación: Constante de tiempo de amortiguación que se aplica a la representación del valor digital y al valor analógico de la respectiva salida analógica. Las unidades de esta variable siempre se indican en segundos. R Float 8
input_upper_value 400A FS In Refers to the input current to move the valve to full open / close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
input_lower_value 400B Zero In Refers to the input current to move the valve to full open / close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
output_upper_value 400C FS Out Refers to the output current when the valve is at full open / close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
output_lower_value 400D Zero Out Refers to the output current when the valve is at full open / close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
sensor_serial_number 400E Sensor Serial Número de serie del sensor: Identifica de manera única el sensor del que se deriva principalmente la representación del valor digital o la variable del dispositivo de campo. R Unsigned 32
min_sensor_span 400F Min_Sensor_Span Valor de span mínimo: Define la menor diferencia permitida entre el valor de rango superior y el valor de rango inferior. R Float 32
flow_type 4014 Flow Type The positioner supports Linear, Quick Opening, and Equal Percentage flow types. R/W Enum 32
reserved_1 4015 R/W Integer 1025
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class