Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
loop_current_mode | 0808 | Loop current mode | Modalità corrente di loop - Indica se la corrente di loop è attiva o fissa (ovvero il dispositivo è in modalità multi-drop). | R/W | Enum | 0 |
device_flags | 00A0 | Dev flags | Field Device Flags- Describes special features of the Field Device that affect the Data Link Layer | R | BitEnum | 0 |
response_code | 0096 | Response code | Command Specific Response Code- Data that is returned in the Field Device response, that indicates the relative success of the Command sent in the Host request. This information may relate to the Data of the Host request or to the command itself. | R | Enum | 129 |
comm_status | 0098 | Communication status | Communications Error Summary- The Field Device has detected the following error condition while attempting to receive the Host request. Therefore the Command was not accepted, and the Host request caused no change to occur in the Field Device. | R | BitEnum | 131 |
device_status | 0097 | Device status | Field Device Status- Data indicating that the Field Device has detected condition(s) in the Field Device relating to: its hardware / the validity of a variable / its operating status / an internal process | R | BitEnum | 131 |
request_preambles | 009B | Num req preams | Number of Request Preambles- Number of Preambles required from the Host request by the Field Device | R | Unsigned | 128 |
universal_revision | 009C | Universal rev | Universal Revision- Revision of the Universal Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to | R | Unsigned | 128 |
transmitter_revision | 009D | Fld dev rev | Field Device Revision- Revision of the Field Device Specific Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to | R | Unsigned | 128 |
software_revision | 009E | Software rev | Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device | R | Unsigned | 2048 |
hardware_revision | 009F | Hardware rev | Versione hardware - Versione che corrisponde all’hardware dell’elettronica del dispositivo di campo. | R | Unsigned | 2048 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |