Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
tv_Units 40D5 Ref.Impd.(TV) unit Tertiary variable reference impedance engineering units R Enum 8
qv_Value 4031 Sensor Input (QV) Quaternary variable sensor input R Float 10
qv_Units 40D6 Sensor Input (QV) unit Quaternary variable sensor input engineering units R Enum 8
var_analyzerType 400F Analyzer type Primary Value type selection R/W Enum 8
var_phSensor 4016 pH sensor type Type of pH sensor. Valid for primary value type = pH R/W Enum 8
var_refImpedanceLimit 401E Ref. Impedance Limit The Reference Electrode Impedance that triggers a diagnostic condition. R/W Float 8
var_isopotentialPt 4017 Isopotential point The Isopotential Point is the potential of the sensor that is not affected by sample fluid temperature changes. When the PH_SENSOR_TYPE is Glass or Antimony, the Isopotential Point is READ_ONLY. Isopotential Point can be modified only for a Custom pH Sensor Type. Valid for primary value type = pH R/W Float 8
var_asymmetricPot 4018 Asymmetric Poten. The Asymmetric Potential value is the electrical potential across the measuring and reference half-cell of the sensor at the isopotential point. When PH_SENSOR_TYPE is Glass or Antimony, Asymmetric Potential is READ_ONLY. Asymmetric Potential can be modified only for Custom pH sensor type. Valid for primary value type = pH R/W Float 8
var_sensorDiag 401D Sensor diag. Sensor Diagnostics selection determines whether certain sensor diagnostics are enabled or disabled R/W Enum 8
var_valence 4019 Valence Ion valence ranging from -3 to +3. The valence determines the millivolt change per decade of concentration. Valid for primary value type = Ion Concentration R/W Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class