
Variable Name: var_isopotentialPt

Variable ID: 0x4017

Variable Label: Isopotential point

Variable Help: The Isopotential Point is the potential of the sensor that is not affected by sample fluid temperature changes. When the PH_SENSOR_TYPE is Glass or Antimony, the Isopotential Point is READ_ONLY. Isopotential Point can be modified only for a Custom pH Sensor Type. Valid for primary value type = pH

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: Correction

Variable Size: 4

Variable DataType: Float

Variable Display Format: |en|.2f

Variable Edit Format: |en|8.2f

Variable Unit:

Variable Max:

Variable Min:

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
130 40F9 read_pv_sensor_configuration

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
134 40FD write_iso_asy_potential