Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
upper_range_value 407A URV R/W Float 32
lower_range_value 407B LRV R/W Float 32
ma_analog_output_1_alarm_select 407C R/W Enum 64
sensor1_range_units 407D R/W Enum 32
process_value 4000 R Float 10
electronics_temp 407E Internal Temp Internal temperature of the device. R Float 34
electronics_temp_units 407F Internal Temp Unit Engineering units of the internal temperature of the device. R/W Enum 32
channel_1_value 4080 Channel1 Channel 1 value in Engineering Units of a dual measurement. R Float 10
channel_1_units 4081 R Enum 32
channel_2_value 4082 R Float 10
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class