Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
internal_unit 4001 R/W Enum 4096
failsafe_configuration 4002 Failsafe Report Switches the failsafe on or off. If switched off, the analog output will notreact to a failure. R/W Enum 1
failsafe_control 4003 Substitution a.Select the mA output to be set upon failsafe. b.Switches the latched output on or off. R/W Enum 1
failsafe_level_choice 4004 Failsafe In case of a failure the analog output is set to the failsafe mA value. The value can be 3.6mA or 23.0 mA. R/W Enum 4096
abb_failsafe_level 4005 Failsafe mA Value In case of a failure the analog output is set to the failsafe mA value. Min value - 3.6, Max value - 23.0. R/W Float 64
sensor_type 4008 Sensor Type R/W Enum 2048
linearization_mode 4009 Linearization R/W Enum 8
sensor_connection 400A Sensor Connection Defines the sensor type and the number of wires. R/W Enum 8
sensor_conn_A_grp 400B Sensor Connection Defines the sensor type and the number of wires. R/W Enum 4096
sensor_conn_B_grp 400C Sensor Connection Defines the sensor type and the number of wires. R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class