名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
diagnosisMeasurement 4000 Measurement status Measurement status of the device- The value represents the sum of the status bit values. Status bit values: 0x01 = Pressure sensor failure, 0x02 = Temperature sensor measurement failure, 0x04 = Sensor board electronic failure, 0x08 = A-D converter failure. Example: 0x0b = 0x01 (Pressure sensor failure) + 0x02 (Temperature sensor measurement failure) + 0x08 (A-D converter failure). 位枚举 2049
diagnosisProcess 4001 Process status Process status of the device- The value represents the sum of the status bit values. Status bit values: 0x01 = Proc. applied to the primary var. outside the config. range, 0x02 = Proc. applied to the primary var. outside the op. limits of the dev., 0x04 = Sensor temperature is outside the operating limits of the device. Example: 0x05 = 0x01 (Proc. applied to the primary var. outside the config. range) + 0x04 (Sensor temperature is outside the operating limits of the device). 位枚举 2049
diagnosisElectronics 4002 Electronics status Electronics status of the device- The value represents the sum of the status bit values. Status bit values: 0x01 = Temperature sensor electronic failure, 0x02 = Memory failure, 0x04 = Max. number write cycles exceeded, 0x08 = Non vol. storage or check active, 0x10 = Device not calibrated. Example: 0x15 = 0x01 (Temperature sensor electronic failure) + 0x04 (Max. number write cycles exceeded) + 0x10 (Device not calibrated). 位枚举 2049
diagnosisOperation 4003 Operation status Operating status of the device- The value represents the sum of the status bit values. Status bit values: 0x01 = Device failure, 0x02 = Maintenance required, 0x04 = AO/Error messages simulation active, 0x08 = Local control active. Example: 0x0f = 0x01 (Device failure) + 0x02 (Maintenance required) + 0x04 (AO/Error messages simulation active) + 0x08 (Local control active). 位枚举 2049
deviceOperatingMode 4004 Device Operating Mode Operating Mode of the device 枚举 2049
temperature_units 4017 Snsr temp unit Field Device Variable Unit- Digital unit that the variable is displayed in. Sensor Temperature- Temperature of the sensor which measures the proccess. 读/写 枚举 8
temperature_value 4028 传感器温度 传感器温度——进行过程测量的传感器的温度。 浮点 10
temperature_max_value 4024 Snsr temp max Snsr temp max- Highest measured sensor temperature value since this value was last resetted. Sensor temperature- Temperature of the sensor which measures the process. 浮点 10
temperature_min_value 4025 Snsr temp min Snsr temp min- Lowest measured sensor temperature value since this value was last resetted. Sensor temperature- Temperature of the sensor which measures the process. 浮点 10
tv_value 402A TV value Tertiary Variable value- Customer specific process value, e. g. Level, derived from the pressure. 浮点 10
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类