
Variable Name: flange_size

Variable ID: 0x4013

Variable Label: Process conn size

Variable Help: Process Connector Size - Hardware adjacent to the sensor, that physically connects the process to the sensor.

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: Device

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0000 ANSI 3,C 150
0x0001 ANSI 3,C 300
0x0002 ANSI 3,C 600
0x0003 ANSI 4,C 150
0x0004 ANSI 4,C 300
0x0005 ANSI 3,C 150
0x0006 ANSI 3,C 300
0x0007 ANSI 3,C 600
0x0008 DIN 80,PN 10/16
0x0009 DIN 80,PN 25
0x000A DIN 80,PN 40
0x000B DIN 100,PN 10/16
0x000C DIN 100,PN 25
0x000D DIN 50,PN 10/16
0x000E DIN 50,PN 25
0x000F DIN 50,PN 40
0x0010 ANSI 150
0x0011 ANSI 300
0x0012 ANSI 600
0x0013 DIN 10/16
0x0014 DIN 25
0x0015 DIN 40
0x0016 1/2NPT Female
0x0017 1/4NPT Female
0x0018 Rc 1/2 Female
0x0019 1/2NPT Male
0x001A G 1/2 Male
0x001B M20 * 1.5 Male
0x001C R 1/2 Male
0x00FB Нет
0x00FC Неизвестный
0x00FD Спец.

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
161 4034 read_eja_data_material

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
162 4035 write_eja_data_material