Variable Name: be32EventsDeviceSpecificStatus01Bit80
Variable ID: 0x432B
Variable Label: Sensor Information
Variable Help: Sensor Information
Variable Handling: R
Variable Class: Dynamic | Diagnostic | Device
Variable Size: 4
Variable DataType: BitEnum
Variable Enum Value | Variable Enum Text |
0x4000 | Microwave Supply Voltage Error |
0x8000 | Microwave Sweep Duration Error |
0x0001 | Microwave Lock Error |
0x0002 | XCO out of bounds |
0x0004 | Sensor Reference out of range |
0x0008 | RC-Oscillator out of bounds |
0x0010 | Peak Lost in Tank Bottom |
0x0020 | Bad Spectrum Quality |
0x0040 | Failed Sensor Input Test |
0x0080 | Failed Sensor MCU Test |
Variable Display Format:
Variable Edit Format:
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: N/A
Variable Min: N/A
Variable Read Command List
Variable Write Command List