
Variable Name: auto_pst_stroke_size

Variable ID: 0x402C

Variable Label: Automated PST Stroke Size

Variable Help: Targeted stroke size (3-100%). Set target stroke size according to the process application. A larger stroke size means better coverage of valve movement, but often a very large stroke size is not possible due to process flow influence or safety limit switch settings.

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: Device

Variable Size: 4

Variable DataType: Float

Variable Display Format: |en|5.1f

Variable Edit Format: |en|5.1f

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: 100

Variable Min: 3

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
136 45A0 read_partial_stroke_test_parameters

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
131 4589 write_float_parameter