Variable Name: actuator_full_strokes_limit
Variable ID: 0x4017
Variable Label: Total Actuator Full Strokes Limit
Variable Help: If a counter measurement exceeds a counter limit, an alert is activated for the device and an event is generated. The counter limits can be thought of as time-based indicators. It is recommended to set the counter limits close to the expected lifecycle of each device. For example, if the recommended maintenance period for an actuator is after every 1,000,000 strokes, then the limit should be set accordingly. You can reset the counters after you check the device.
Variable Handling: R/W
Variable Class: Diagnostic | Device
Variable Size: 4
Variable DataType: Integer
Variable Display Format: |en|7d
Variable Edit Format: |en|7d
Variable Unit:
Variable Max:
Variable Min: 1
Variable Read Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
161 | 4695 | read_counter_limits |
Variable Write Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
130 | 4588 | write_32bit_integer_parameter |