
Variable Name: relay1_mode

Variable ID: 0x403E

Variable Label: Mode 1

Variable Help: Relay 1 Mode - P410: The mode of operation of Relay 1. It may be assigned to Setpoint operation, Desludging or Alarm indication. Associated timing parameters are editable locally on the Control Unit.

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class:

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0000 Off
0x0001 Set Point
0x0002 Desludge
0x0003 Alarm
0x0005 Fault
0x0007 PV Limits
0x0008 On
0x0009 None

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
176 409B read_relay_1_mode_setpoints

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
177 40A2 write_relay1_mode