
Variable Name: Process_Variable_Code_6

Variable ID: 0x4393

Variable Label: Код переменной 6

Variable Help: The process variable of which display precision can be set

Variable Handling: R

Variable Class: Device

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0000 Mass Flow Rate
0x0001 Temperature
0x0002 Mass Totalizer
0x0003 Density
0x0004 Mass Inventory Totalizer
0x0005 Line (Gross) Volume Flow Rate
0x0006 Line (Gross) Volume Totalizer
0x0007 Line (Gross) Volume Inventory Totalizer
0x000F API: TC Dens
0x0010 API: TC Std Vol
0x0011 API: TC Std Vol Totl
0x0012 API: TC Std Vol Inv
0x0013 API: TC Avg Dens
0x0014 API: TC Avg Temp
0x0015 ED: Dens at Ref
0x0016 ED: Dens (SGU)
0x0017 ED: Std Vol flo
0x0018 ED: Std Vol totl
0x0019 ED: Std Vol inv
0x001A ED: Net Mass flo
0x001B ED: Net Mass totl
0x001C ED: Net Mass inv
0x001D ED: Net Vol flo
0x001E ED: Net Vol totl
0x001F ED: Net Vol inv
0x0020 ED: Concentration
0x0021 API: CTL
0x002E Raw Tube Frequency
0x002F Drive Gain
0x0030 Meter Temperature (T-Series)
0x0031 Left Pickoff Amplitude
0x0032 Right Pickoff Amplitude
0x0033 Board Temperature
0x0034 Input Voltage
0x0035 External Pressure
0x0037 External Temperature
0x0038 ED: Baume
0x003E Gas Standard Volume Flow
0x003F Gas Standard Volume Total
0x0040 Gas Standard Volume Inventory
0x0045 Live Zero
0x00FB None

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List


Variable Write Command List
