Variable Name: device_specific_status_3
Variable ID: 0x102E
Variable Label: Statusgruppe 3
Variable Help: Feldgerätspezifischer Zustand Byte 4- Daten über feldgerätespezifische Informationen wie: Ausfall / Warnungen / Prozeßzustand.
Variable Handling: R
Variable Class: Dynamic | Diagnostic | Device
Variable Size: 1
Variable DataType: BitEnum
Variable Enum Value | Variable Enum Text |
0x0001 | #25 Incorrect reading of ID number |
0x0002 | #26 Incorrect reading of polling address or num of preambles |
0x0004 | #27 Incorrect reading of tag |
0x0008 | #28 Incorrect reading of message |
0x0010 | #29 Incorrect reading date or descriptor |
0x0020 | #30 Incorrect reading of AO alarm type, transfer function or distributor code |
0x0040 | #31 Incorrect reading of transmitter S/N |
Variable Display Format:
Variable Edit Format:
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: N/A
Variable Min: N/A
Variable Read Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
48 | 1043 | read_additional_device_status |
Variable Write Command List