Variable Name: impulseAmount
Variable ID: 0x4053
Variable Label: Impulse amount
Variable Help: Quantity (same unit as the flowrate) for which one output pulse is generated eg. if the flowrate is 10 litre/sec and the impulse amount is set to 1 (litre), 10 pulses per second are generated (if possible by the defined pulsewidth) Range: 0.0001 - 9999999
Variable Handling: R/W
Variable Class:
Variable Size: 4
Variable DataType: Float
Variable Display Format: |en|8.3f
Variable Edit Format: |en|15.7f
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: 0
Variable Min: 0.001
Variable Read Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
138 | 4054 | impulseRead |
Variable Write Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
139 | 4055 | impulseWrite |