Variable Name: flowUnit
Variable ID: 0x401D
Variable Label: Flowrate unit
Variable Help: Determines the measurement unit for flowrate. Alteration of the measurement unit will NOT affect operator and SETUP-level values. Please note that the Span has to be adapted as well; the calculation is not done automatically.
Variable Handling: R/W
Variable Class:
Variable Size: 1
Variable DataType: Enum
Variable Enum Value | Variable Enum Text |
0x0000 | kein |
0x0001 | ml |
0x0002 | l |
0x0003 | m3 |
0x0004 | Gal |
0x0005 | ImpGal |
0x0006 | ft3 |
0x0007 | bbl |
0x0008 | Nl |
0x0009 | Nm3 |
0x000A | Std ft3 |
0x000B | g |
0x000C | kg |
0x000D | t |
0x000E | lb |
0x000F | STons |
0x0010 | rev |
Variable Display Format:
Variable Edit Format:
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: N/A
Variable Min: N/A
Variable Read Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
130 | 4022 | readFlowratePulseConfig |
Variable Write Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
131 | 4024 | writeFlowratePulseConfig |