
变量名称: device_status

变量ID: 0x0097

变量标签: Device status

变量描述: Field device status: Data indicating that the field device has detected condition(s) in the field device relating to: its hardware, the validity of a variable, its operating status or an internal process.

变量处理: 读

变量分类: 动态 | 诊断 | HART

变量长度: 1

变量数据类型: 位枚举

变量枚举值 变量枚举文本
0x0001 应用至主变量的过程超出现场设备的操作限制
0x0002 应用至非主变量的过程超出现场设备的操作限制
0x0004 PV Analog Channel Saturated
0x0008 PV Analog Channel Fixed
0x0010 现场设备有更多状态可用
0x0020 发生现场设备复位或自测,或电源被移除并重新投用
0x0040 已对现场设备组态进行修改
0x0080 由于硬件错误或故障,现场设备组发生故障




变量最大值: N/A

变量最小值: N/A


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
132 4095 rcmB3Configuration
134 409B rcmLFCControlAndValues
140 40A3 rcmPulseOutputParameters
144 40B0 rcmLinearizationControl
148 40B2 rcmReadFirmwareVersion
149 40B4 rcmProductionOrderNumber
151 40C2 rcmDataOfOperatingFluid
153 40DC rcmLimitSwitchValuesAndControlforPV
156 40DF rcmNameOfOperatingFluid
163 40E6 rcmTypeOfDevice
170 40F0 rcmAdditionalInformationForLevel
172 40F2 rcmCompleteMeterSerialNumber
175 40F4 rcmLimitSwitchValuesAndControlforSV
176 40F6 rcmElectronicRevisionNumber
179 40F8 rcmIOModule
183 40FD rcmDisplayOrientationControlValue
184 40FE rcmLimitSwitchControl
207 4102 rcmReadArticleCodeIndices
244 4107 rcmReadDisplayAndAlarmConfiguration
247 4108 rcmReadDeviceVariableSpecificInformation
523 1303 read_condensed_status_map
246 411E rcmBe32EventsDeviceSpecificStatus
0 00AE read_unique_identifier
1 00AF read_pv
2 00B0 read_pv_current_and_percent_range
3 00B1 read_dynamic_variables_and_pv_current
9 00DD read_device_variables_and_status
7 00DB read_loop_configuration
8 00DC read_dynamic_variable_classification
14 00B6 read_pv_sensor_info
15 00B7 read_pv_output_info
12 00B4 read_message
13 00B5 read_tag_descriptor_date
16 00B8 read_final_assembly_number
20 00DE read_long_tag
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
33 1054 read_device_variables
50 1052 read_device_variable_assignments
54 1057 read_device_variable_information
