
Variable Name: cPresUnits_cmd3

Variable ID: 0x4154

Variable Label: Pressure Unit from command 3

Variable Help: Pressure Unit for sv- The actual pressure reported by the SVI II AP can be in psi, bar or kPa(for sv)

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: Correction

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x00FA Not_Used
0x0006 фунт/дюйм²
0x0007 бар
0x000C кПа

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
3 00B1 read_dynamic_variables_and_pv_current

Variable Write Command List
