
Variable Name: fSwitch1Value

Variable ID: 0x4079

Variable Label: DO Switch 1 Value

Variable Help: The value is set for Position Low / Upper Limits.( Switch 1 Value must be between 0 and 199.99. ) Attention: This is valid under the condition of switch 1 type is Posistion Low/High Limit ), but to some host, like SDC-625, to activate this field maybe need to close / open this page again.

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: Correction

Variable Size: 4

Variable DataType: Float

Variable Display Format: |en|.2f

Variable Edit Format: |en|.2f

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: 199.99

Variable Min: 0

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
137 4110 cmdReadSwitchSettings

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
134 410D cmdWriteSwitchSettings