
变量名称: TDSP_DampingTime_1

变量ID: 0x4203

变量标签: Display damping

变量描述: Enter time constant (PT1 element) to set reaction time of the display to fluctuations in the measured value. Additional information: - The smaller the time constant the faster the display reacts to fluctuations in the measured value. - If the time constant is set to 0, damping is deactivated.

变量处理: 读/写

变量分类: 设备

变量长度: 4

变量数据类型: 浮点

变量显示格式: |en|.1f

变量编辑格式: |en|.1f


变量最大值: 999.9

变量最小值: 0


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
173 42E8 read_index_parameter_173


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
178 42E6 write_index_parameter_178