
变量名称: device_status

变量ID: 0x0097

变量标签: 设备状态

变量描述: Field Device Status. Data indicating that the Field Device has detected condition(s) in the Field Device relating to: its hardware / the vailidity of a variable / ist operating status / an internal process.

变量处理: 读

变量分类: 动态 | 诊断 | HART

变量长度: 1

变量数据类型: 位枚举

变量枚举值 变量枚举文本
0x0001 应用至主变量的过程超出现场设备的操作限制
0x0002 应用至非主变量的过程超出现场设备的操作限制
0x0004 PV Analog Channel Saturated
0x0008 4-20mA fixed value
0x0010 现场设备有更多状态可用
0x0020 发生现场设备复位或自测,或电源被移除并重新投用
0x0040 已对现场设备组态进行修改
0x0080 由于硬件错误或故障,现场设备组发生故障




变量最大值: N/A

变量最小值: N/A


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
128 4128 read_measurement_value_alarm_condition
129 4129 read_supported_commands
130 412A read_device_information
130 412A read_device_information
130 412A read_device_information
130 412A read_device_information
130 412A read_device_information
131 412B read_sensor_information
132 412C read_meas_gas_and_unit
133 412D read_sensor_warmup_times
134 412E read_analog_output_config
135 412F read_capture_range
136 4130 read_capture_range_limits
140 4133 read_measurement_gas_configuration
141 4135 read_gas_name
142 4136 read_unit_name
143 4137 read_analog_setpoint_information
162 413E get_sink_source_state
164 4140 read_meas_value_overrides_warning
165 4141 read_meas_value_overrides_warning_limit
181 4144 read_sil_lock
184 4146 read_safe_polling_address
190 4147 read_lel_category_list
191 4148 read_lel_category
193 414C read_gas2lel_value
194 414D read_gas2lel_limits
200 414F read_beam_block_parameters
201 4150 read_beam_block_parameter_limits
210 4152 read_open_path_channel
213 4155 CmdReadAlignment
213 4155 CmdReadAlignment
214 4156 read_duration_reduction
216 4158 read_strong_mode_parameter
218 415A read_runtime_data
219 415B read_path_length
220 415C read_path_length_limits
222 415E read_last_zeroing_data
224 4160 read_zeroing_status
230 4161 read_azt
231 4162 read_azt_limit
233 4164 read_creep_rate_value
246 4165 read_technical_value_bits
247 4166 read_technical_values
247 4166 read_technical_values
247 4166 read_technical_values
248 416A read_errors_and_warnings
0 00AE read_unique_identifier
1 00AF read_pv
2 00B0 read_pv_current_and_percent_range
3 00B1 read_dynamic_variables_and_pv_current
9 00DD read_device_variables_and_status
7 00DB read_loop_configuration
8 00DC read_dynamic_variable_classification
14 00B6 read_pv_sensor_info
15 00B7 read_pv_output_info
12 00B4 read_message
13 00B5 read_tag_descriptor_date
16 00B8 read_final_assembly_number
20 00DE read_long_tag
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
50 1052 read_device_variable_assignments
