
变量名称: var_TB82_temp_auto_sol

变量ID: 0x4024

变量标签: Auto TC option

变量描述: This is valid when temp comp type is Automatic. The Automatic Temperature Compensation option applies an algorithm that adjusts for the temperature effect of a solute. The available options are dependent upon the current SENSOR_GROUP. Sensor Group A: Std KCl, TC Coeff, NaOH, NaCl, HCl, H2SO4, User Defined. Sensor Group B: Std KCl, TC Coeff, User Defined. Sensor Group C: Std KCl, TC Coeff, Pure H2O, User Defined.

变量处理: 读/写

变量分类: Correction

变量长度: 1

变量数据类型: 枚举

变量枚举值 变量枚举文本
0x0000 Standard KCl
0x0001 TC Coefficient
0x0002 NaOH
0x0003 NaCl
0x0004 HCl
0x0005 H2SO4
0x0006 Pure H2O
0x0007 User defined




变量最大值: N/A

变量最小值: N/A


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
140 4071 read_TB82_temp_sensor_info


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
144 4075 write_TB82_temp_auto_sol