
Variable Name: tv_units

Variable ID: 0x4016

Variable Label: TV unit

Variable Help: Tertiary Variable Unit- Digital unit that the tertiary variable is displayed in. Tertiary Variable-Variable that tracks the Digital Value representation with respect to the range defined by the Lower Range Value and Upper Range Value, for normal operating modes. All units are possible.

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class:

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0001 inH2O
0x0002 inHg
0x0003 ftH2O
0x0004 mmH2O
0x0005 mmHg
0x0006 psi
0x0007 bar
0x0008 mbar
0x0009 g/Sqcm
0x000A kg/Sqcm
0x000B Pa
0x000C kPa
0x000D torr
0x000E atm
0x000F Cuft/min
0x0010 gal/min
0x0011 L/min
0x0012 Impgal/min
0x0013 Cum/h
0x0014 ft/s
0x0015 m/s
0x0016 gal/s
0x0017 Mgal/d
0x0018 L/s
0x0019 ML/d
0x001A Cuft/s
0x001B Cuft/d
0x001C Cum/s
0x001D Cum/d
0x001E Impgal/h
0x001F Impgal/d
0x0020 degC
0x0021 degF
0x0022 degR
0x0023 Kelvin
0x0024 mV
0x0025 ohm
0x0026 Hz
0x0027 mA
0x0028 gal
0x0029 L
0x002A Impgal
0x002B Cum
0x002C ft
0x002D m
0x002E bbl
0x002F in
0x0030 cm
0x0031 mm
0x0032 min
0x0033 s
0x0034 h
0x0035 d
0x0037 cP
0x0038 uMho
0x0039 %
0x003A V
0x003B pH
0x003C g
0x003D kg
0x003E MetTon
0x003F lb
0x0040 STon
0x0041 LTon
0x0046 g/s
0x0047 g/min
0x0048 g/h
0x0049 kg/s
0x004A kg/min
0x004B kg/h
0x004C kg/d
0x004D MetTon/min
0x004E MetTon/h
0x004F MetTon/d
0x0050 lb/s
0x0051 lb/min
0x0052 lb/h
0x0053 lb/d
0x0054 STon/min
0x0055 STon/h
0x0056 STon/d
0x0057 LTon/h
0x0058 LTon/d
0x005A SGU
0x005B g/Cucm
0x005C kg/Cum
0x005D lb/gal
0x005E lb/Cuft
0x005F g/mL
0x0060 kg/L
0x0061 g/L
0x0062 lb/Cuin
0x0063 STon/Cuyd
0x0064 degTwad
0x0065 degBrix
0x0066 degBaum hv
0x0067 degBaum lt
0x0068 degAPI
0x0069 % sol-wt
0x006A % sol-vol
0x006B degBall
0x006C proof/vol
0x006D proof/mass
0x006E bush
0x006F Cuyd
0x0070 Cuft
0x0071 Cuin
0x0078 m/h
0x0082 Cuft/h
0x0083 Cum/min
0x0084 bbl/s
0x0085 bbl/min
0x0086 bbl/h
0x0087 bbl/d
0x0088 gal/h
0x0089 Impgal/s
0x008A L/h
0x0096 % Stm Qual
0x0097 ft.in16
0x0098 Cuft/lb
0x00A0 % plato

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
225 401D read_all_measured_values
3 00B1 read_dynamic_variables_and_pv_current

Variable Write Command List
