
变量名称: diagnosisProcess

变量ID: 0x4001

变量标签: Process status

变量描述: Process status of the device- The value represents the sum of the status bit values. Status bit values: 0x01 = Proc. applied to the primary var. outside the config. range, 0x02 = Proc. applied to the primary var. outside the op. limits of the dev., 0x04 = Sensor temperature is outside the operating limits of the device. Example: 0x05 = 0x01 (Proc. applied to the primary var. outside the config. range) + 0x04 (Sensor temperature is outside the operating limits of the device).

变量处理: 读

变量分类: 诊断 | 设备

变量长度: 1

变量数据类型: 位枚举

变量枚举值 变量枚举文本
0x0001 Primary variable out of range
0x0002 Primary variable out of limits
0x0004 Snsr temp out of limits




变量最大值: N/A

变量最小值: N/A


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
48 0FCE read_additional_transmitter_status
