DD File path:
DD File name: standard.dc8
DD File type: Dictionary
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * File: standard.dc8
- * Version: 24.00.5
- * Date: 03/01/21
- *
- * 06/02/09 - Russian and Japanese translations provided.
- * 09/11/09 - German translations updated.
- * 10/01/09 - Added Chinese translations
- * 06/20/10 - Added updates from HCF standard dictionary 20.4.0 (6/9/10)
- * 07/14/10 - Added updates from HCF standard dictionary 21.1.0 (7/14/10)
- * 09/15/10 - Added French Translations
- * 01/12/11 - Added Portuguese Translations
- * 08/23/13 - Added strings from latest HCF release (23.6.0, 7/17/13)
- * 03/01/21 - Add Spanish & Italian, Overall updates for string consistency
- *
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (c) 2021, FieldComm Group, All Rights Reserved
- *****************************************************************************
- *
- * Description: Device Description Language Standard Dictionary
- * This file generated by the STD Browser Tool V-2.1K
- *
- *
- Design Note- This version of the standard dictionary uses
- the new, 2 alpha language codes. It must be be used with
- the new Phase 2 tokenizer and linker.
- General Note- If a DD Developer encounters an APPHELP with the 'Translation
- Pending' words (e.g. APPHELP '|de| Translation Pending')
- this means that a translation is forthcomming. Therefore, if
- this string is used in a DD, then the DD Developer is subject
- to whatever the translation becomes in the future.
- Design Note- File conforms to the ISO Latin1 character set. Make sure editors
- conform to this standard!
- Design Note- unix2dos and dos2unix will destroy some of the special characters
- unless the -ascii option is used!
- Design Note- To inject delimiter characters put a back slash before
- the character (Ex. \").
- Design Note- Lines should be limited to <255 characters. To continue a line
- end line with a " character and start next line with a "
- character.
- Design Note- If there are more than two string handles with the exact same name
- only the first one will be found by the tools.
- *****************************************************************************
- */
- /*********************************************************************************
- * Section 03 Ametek Device Type Codes
- */
- [03,0] section_03
- "Ametek Device Type Codes"
- "|ru|Коды типов устройств Ametek"
- "|zh|Ametek设备类型代码"
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