Method Name: validate_fault_value_4_to_20
Method ID: 0x40DD
Method Label: mA Ausgang 1 Störwert
Method Help: This parameter allows you to select the lower or upper mA output level that will indicate a fault condition. For a 12-20 mA output (Direct), the range is 11.5 to 11.8 mA for downscale or 20.5 to 22.0 for upscale. For a 4-20 mA output (Level-Shifted), the range is 3.0 to 3.6 mA for downscale or 21.0 to 24.0 for upscale.
- {
- char disp_string[100];
- int slen8;
- float FAULT_VAL_4_20;
- FAULT_VAL_4_20 = _fvar_value(16599);
- slen8 = 100;
- if (_ivar_value(16599) == 1)
- {
- if (FAULT_VAL_4_20 < 3.0 || FAULT_VAL_4_20 > 3.6)
- {
- process_abort();
- }
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