Method Name: MthCalibrateSensorCurrentInput
Method ID: 0x436F
Method Label: Calibrate Current Input
Method Help: Performs a 2-Point calibration of the current Input
- {
- char status[3];
- int _stepCount;
- int _abort;
- int iResult;
- int _sendImmediateReset;
- _abort = 0;
- _stepCount = 0;
- _sendImmediateReset = 1;
- _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
- _set_all_resp_code(0);
- _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
- _set_xmtr_all_resp_code(0);
- _add_abort_method(17185);
- send(230,status);
- if (eFunctionStep != 251)
- {
- iResult = SELECT_FROM_LIST(literal_string(2255),literal_string(2245));
- if (iResult == 1)
- {
- MthRunDeviceFunctionReset();
- send(231,status);
- ;
- if (status[0])
- {
- display_response_status(231,status[0]);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(2262));
- eFunctionScope = 3;
- eFunctionCode = 32;
- eFunctionChannel = 2;
- eFunctionStep = 1;
- _stepCount = 2;
- clsTempFunctionParameter = 84;
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