Method Name: methodStrokeTime
Method ID: 0x406B
Method Label: Stroke Time
Method Help: set stroke time. Stroke time is used to limit rate of change of travel. Stroke time is expressed as sec/100% travel
- {
- char nbr;
- char status[3];
- char prevMode;
- int result;
- int result0;
- long ids[10];
- send(249, status); if( status[0] != 0 ) { display_response_status(249, status[0]); DELAY(3,"|en|Procedure aborted \nTry Again."); process_abort();; }; if( (_ivar_value(16385) != 0) ) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|WARNING. This procedure requires to enter setup mode and will result in LOSS of PROCESS CONTROL. Do you wish to proceed ?"); PUT_MESSAGE("|en|Changing mode to Setup"); _add_abort_method(16390); _iassign(16684,(0)); send(135, status); if( status[0] != 0 ) { display_response_status(135, status[0]); DELAY(3,"|en|Procedure aborted \nTry Again."); process_abort();; }; nbr=0; do { nbr += 1; if( nbr == 10 ) { DELAY(3,"|en|Procedure aborted \nTry Again."); process_abort();; }; send(249, status); } while( _ivar_value(16385) != 0 ); };
- send(216, status);
- if (_ivar_value(16698) >= 0)
- {
- result0 = 0;
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