Method Name: press_sensor_calib_method
Method ID: 0x432E
Method Label: Pressure Sensors
Method Help: Follow the prompts to calibrate the instrument Pressure Sensors.
- {
- float qa;
- float qb;
- float qc;
- float qd;
- float qe;
- float mpp;
- int q;
- int q0;
- int q1;
- int q2;
- int q3;
- int q4;
- int q5;
- int q6;
- int q7;
- int q8;
- char S[3];
- int s;
- int j;
- int c;
- int a;
- int b;
- int f;
- int t;
- int bs;
- int user_input;
- long ids[2];
- float max_supply;
- float newMaxSupply;
- _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
- _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
- _set_all_resp_code(1);
- _set_resp_code(8,0);
- send(151,S);
- if (_ivar_value(16804) > 2)
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(2015));
- return;
- }
- ;
- if (1 == _ivar_value(167))
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(2274));
- process_abort();
- }
- user_input = SELECT_FROM_LIST(literal_string(2411),literal_string(2226));
- if (0 == user_input)
- {
- send_trans(129,0,S);
- _vassign(16452,16427);
- save_values();
- if (1 == _ivar_value(167))
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(2274));
- process_abort();
- }
- if (_ivar_value(16427))
- {
- if ((_ivar_value(16465) & 0x01C0) == 0x0100)
- {
- _get_dev_var_value(literal_string(2275),0,16452);
- }
- else
- {
- _get_dev_var_value(literal_string(2276),0,16452);
- }
- save_values();
- if (_ivar_value(16452) > 0)
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(2277));
- process_abort();
- }
- else
- {
- send_trans(130,6,S);
- }
- }
- send_trans(129,0,S);
- if (1 == _ivar_value(16472) || 5 == _ivar_value(16472))
- {
- if (1 == _ivar_value(16472))
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(2256));
- }
- else
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(2257));
- }
- process_abort();
- }
- _add_abort_method(17167);
- DELAY(1,literal_string(2223));
- send(3,S);
- send(138,S);
- if (_ivar_value(171) > 0)
- {
- send(3,S);
- while (_fvar_value(237) < 3.8)
- {
- if (select_from_list(literal_string(2288),ids,literal_string(2287)))
- {
- process_abort();
- }
- send(3,S);
- }
- }
- ;
- if (1 - SELECT_FROM_LIST(literal_string(2412),literal_string(2226)))
- {
- DELAY(1,literal_string(2223));
- send(138,S);
- send_trans(129,0,S);
- if ((_ivar_value(16790) & 0x31) > 0 || _ivar_value(10098) == 0)
- {
- send_trans(142,8,S);
- send_trans(142,1,S);
- send_trans(157,0,S);
- if (1 != _ivar_value(167))
- {
- local_man_loader_status = 0;
- save_values();
- send_trans(130,75,S);
- }
- if (_ivar_value(171) == 0)
- local_control_mode = 2;
- else
- local_control_mode = 3;
- save_values();
- send_trans(130,7,S);
- send_trans(129,0,S);
- DELAY(1,literal_string(2223));
- }
- ;
- send_trans(129,0,S);
- _vassign(16942,10098);
- save_values();
- bs = 0;
- send(138,S);
- if ((_ivar_value(16789) & 0x02) > 0)
- {
- send_trans(142,0,S);
- send_trans(129,30,S);
- save_values();
- send_trans(142,1,S);
- if (0x7FA00000 == _lvar_value(16940))
- bs = 0x01;
- if (0x7FA00000 == _lvar_value(16938))
- bs = bs | 0x02;
- if (0x7FA00000 == _lvar_value(16939))
- bs = bs | 0x04;
- }
- send_trans(129,35,S);
- t = _ivar_value(16532);
- if ((_ivar_value(16465) & 0x0200) == 0x0200)
- {
- if ((_ivar_value(16530) & 0x01) > 0 || t > 1)
- {
- s = SELECT_FROM_LIST(literal_string(2413),literal_string(2414));
- }
- else
- if ((_ivar_value(16532) & 0x01) == 0)
- {
- s = SELECT_FROM_LIST(literal_string(2413),literal_string(2415));
- }
- else
- {
- s = SELECT_FROM_LIST(literal_string(2413),literal_string(2416));
- if (s)
- s++;
- }
- }
- else
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