Method Name: shutdown_0b6_MLFB_sensor_method
Method ID: 0x435D
Method Label: Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown
Method Help: Shutdown on Travel Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions.
{ int qOkToEditFlag, qBitEnabled; long ids[2]; char qq[3]; float qa, qb, qc, qd, qe; int q, q0, q1, q2, q3; char S[3]; _set_device_status(0xFF,0); _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0); _set_all_resp_code(1); _set_resp_code((8),0); send_trans(129,0,S); _vassign(16452,16427); save_values(); send_command_trans(129, 22); qBitEnabled = 0; if (_ivar_value(16643) & 0x40) qBitEnabled = 1; _iassign(16415,(qBitEnabled)); send_command(48); qOkToEditFlag = 0; ids[0] = 16415; if ((_ivar_value(167) == 1) || (_ivar_value(16427))) { if(_ivar_value(4139) & 0x40) { acknowledge("|en|Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown: %{0}\nThe instrument is reporting an active Alert.\n\nTo change, place 'Out of Service' and ensure Protection is None.", ids); } else { acknowledge("|en|Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown: %{0}\n\nTo change, place 'Out of Service' and ensure Protection is None.", ids); } } else { if((1 == _ivar_value(16472)) || (5 == _ivar_value(16472))) { if(1 == _ivar_value(16472)) { if(_ivar_value(4139) & 0x40) { acknowledge("|en|Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown: %{0}\nThe instrument is reporting an active Alert.\n\nAccess restricted. Instrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a secondary master.", ids); } else { acknowledge("|en|Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown: %{0}\n\nAccess restricted. Instrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a secondary master.", ids); } } else { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Access restricted\n\nInstrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a primary master."); if(_ivar_value(4139) & 0x40) { acknowledge("|en|Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown: %{0}\nThe instrument is reporting an active Alert.\n\nAccess restricted. Instrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a primary master.", ids); } else { acknowledge("|en|Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown: %{0}\n\nAccess restricted. Instrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a primary master.", ids); } } } else { qOkToEditFlag = 1; } _set_resp_code((16),1); send_trans(129,0,S); } if(qOkToEditFlag) { if((_ivar_value(4139) & 0x40) && (0 == _ivar_value(16415))) { ids[0] = 16508; _get_dev_var_value(("|en|WARNING! The instrument is reporting an active alert. Enabling the shutdown will cause the valve to move to its Zero Power Condition (%{0}).\n\nMinor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown"),(ids),16415); } else { _get_dev_var_value(("|en|Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown"),0,16415); } save_values(); if(_ivar_value(16415) != qBitEnabled) { if (_ivar_value(16415) == 0) { _iassign(16643,(_ivar_value(16643) ^ 0x40)); } else { _iassign(16643,(_ivar_value(16643) | 0x40)); } send_command_trans(130, 128); DELAY(2,"|en|Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown has been sent to the instrument."); } } }