
Method Name: amb_temp_compensate_method

Method ID: 0x4154

Method Label: Amb. Temp. Compensate

Method Help: Ambient Temperature Compensation- Compensates for the effects of temperature on the fill fluid. The user must enter the flange span and fill fluid type.

  • {
  • char status[3];
  • char disp_string[60];
  • int slen;
  • int choice;
  • float conversion_unit_value;
  • float density_value;
  • slen = 60;
  • _set_all_resp_code(0);
  • _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_xmtr_all_resp_code(0);
  • _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _get_dictionary_string(19726337,(disp_string),(slen));
  • ACKNOWLEDGE(disp_string);
  • _add_abort_method(4118);
  • ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Is the tank empty?");
  • choice = SELECT_FROM_LIST("|en|Select Fill Fluid.","|en|Regular;High-temperature;High-temp./ Vacuum;High-temp./ High-vacuum;Oxygen / Chlorine;High-speed");
  • send(1, status); if(status[0]) { display_response_status(1, status[0]); DELAY(3,"|en|Aborting method due to last error"); process_abort(); }
  • switch(pressureUnits)

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