
Method Name: pulse_test_method

Method ID: 0x40BB

Method Label: Pulse Test

Method Help: Allows the operator to test the pulse output and remote counter by programming the output frequency and the number of pulses required.

  • {
  • char status[3];
  • int choice;
  • int abort_method;
  • abort_method = 0;
  • _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_xmtr_all_resp_code(0);
  • _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_all_resp_code(0);
  • do {
  • choice = SELECT_FROM_LIST(literal_string(614),literal_string(565));
  • switch (choice)
  • {
  • case 0:
  • _get_dev_var_value(literal_string(615),0,16544);
  • _get_dev_var_value(literal_string(616),0,16772);
  • send(138,status);
  • if (status[0])
  • {
  • display_response_status(138,status[0]);
  • DELAY(2,literal_string(569));

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