0 |
ND820/T |
1 |
Neles Automation |
2 |
Calibration error |
3 |
Test error |
4 |
Device status |
5 |
Calibration or test may fail, this variable tells if the failure has occurred |
6 |
Valve type |
7 |
The type of valve can be rotary or linear |
8 |
Rotary type valve |
9 |
Linear type valve |
10 |
State of ND800 |
11 |
The state of field device: calibrating, testing etc. |
12 |
Calibrating travel |
13 |
Running test |
14 |
Trimming prestage |
15 |
Temporary mode |
16 |
Not in AUTO mode |
17 |
Failsafe state |
18 |
Calibration, test or trim may fail, this variable tells if the failure has occurred |
19 |
Prstg trim err |
20 |
Digital HW error |
21 |
Status of digital hardware |
22 |
RAM error |
23 |
ROM error |
24 |
EEPROM error |
25 |
Watchdog reset |
26 |
Analog sensor err |
27 |
Status of analog hardware sensors |
28 |
Current saturation |
29 |
Position saturation |
30 |
Pressure saturation |
31 |
Analog HW errors |
32 |
Status of analog hardware |
33 |
Curr circuit fail |
34 |
Pos meas fail |
35 |
Press meas fail |
36 |
Pilot vlv1 fail |
37 |
Pilot vlv2 fail |
38 |
Split range low |
39 |
The split range low limit |
40 |
% |
41 |
3.0f |
42 |
Split range high |
43 |
The split range high limit |
44 |
Supply pressure |
45 |
User given supply pressure |
46 |
4.1f |
47 |
Actuator type |
48 |
The type of actuator can be single or double acting |
49 |
Undefined |
50 |
Single acting |
51 |
Double acting |
52 |
Prstg trim ctrl |
53 |
Prestage trim control, starts or stops |
54 |
Stop |
55 |
Start |
56 |
Electronics S/N |
57 |
The serial number of component board module |
58 |
Position gain |
59 |
Position control gain value. The higher gain results to faster response. |
60 |
5.2f |
61 |
Dead angle comp |
62 |
Control valve dead angle as percent of calibrated valve travel range |
63 |
Pos sensor rot |
64 |
Sets the relationship between the rotation direction of position sensor shaft and valve travel |
65 |
Clockwise opens |
66 |
Clockwise closes |
67 |
Signal direction |
68 |
Sets the relationship between the direction of input signal and valve travel |
69 |
Valve closed at 4 mA |
70 |
Valve open at 4 mA |
71 |
Modification control |
72 |
Set the modification curve use |
73 |
Curve OFF |
74 |
Curve ON |
75 |
Safety range |
76 |
Sets the value of input signal in percent of range at which valve is fully closed |
77 |
Parameter B |
78 |
The actuator type specific feedback parameter B of position control |
79 |
Parameter D |
80 |
The actuator type specific feedback parameter D of position control |
81 |
Activate calibration |
82 |
Set the value to activate position feedback calibration. |
83 |
Normal mode |
84 |
Calibration mode |
85 |
Pos sensor S/N |
86 |
The serial number of position sensor module |
87 |
ND800 S/N |
88 |
The serial number of the ND800 valve controller written into the identification plate |
89 |
Temp compensation |
90 |
Position temperature compensation state |
91 |
Off |
92 |
On |
93 |
Max acttr prs mde |
94 |
Drives actuator into fail-safe position |
95 |
Pressure snsr rnge |
96 |
The linear measurement range of the pressure sensor module |
97 |
Measured prs diff |
98 |
Measured pressure difference |
99 |
5.4f |
100 |
Valve fixed pos |
101 |
Drives valve to a predefined position |
102 |
Exit fixed position |
103 |
Force to 0% |
104 |
Force to 100% |
105 |
To fail-safe pos |
106 |
To anti fail-safe |
107 |
Pos sensor angle |
108 |
Position sensor angle |
109 |
deg |
110 |
Pos sensor range |
111 |
Position sensor linear range in the degrees of angle |
112 |
ADC bias |
113 |
Target ADC value for biasing |
114 |
Measured temp |
115 |
The measured ambient temperature |
116 |
Temp sensor snstvty |
117 |
Temperature sensor sensitivity value of ND800, see IMO. |
118 |
7.6f |
119 |
Compensation temperature |
120 |
-?- |
121 |
-40 degC |
122 |
-35 degC |
123 |
-30 degC |
124 |
-25 degC |
125 |
-20 degC |
126 |
-15 degC |
127 |
-10 degC |
128 |
- 5 degC |
129 |
0 degC |
130 |
+ 5 degC |
131 |
+10 degC |
132 |
+15 degC |
133 |
+20 degC |
134 |
+25 degC |
135 |
+30 degC |
136 |
+35 degC |
137 |
+40 degC |
138 |
+45 degC |
139 |
+50 degC |
140 |
+55 degC |
141 |
+60 degC |
142 |
+65 degC |
143 |
+70 degC |
144 |
+75 degC |
145 |
+80 degC |
146 |
+85 degC |
147 |
Table code |
148 |
Pos sensor min output |
149 |
Position sensor minimum linear output as percent of supply voltage at corresponding temperature |
150 |
Pos sensor max output |
151 |
Position sensor maximum linear output as percent of supply voltage at corresponding temperature |
152 |
Flow modification point |
153 |
0 % |
154 |
10 % |
155 |
20 % |
156 |
30 % |
157 |
40 % |
158 |
50 % |
159 |
60 % |
160 |
70 % |
161 |
80 % |
162 |
90 % |
163 |
100 % |
164 |
Flow modification value |
165 |
4.2f |
166 |
Event item number |
167 |
Latest event |
168 |
2nd event |
169 |
3rd event |
170 |
4th event |
171 |
5th event |
172 |
6th event |
173 |
7th event |
174 |
8th event |
175 |
9th event |
176 |
10th event |
177 |
11th event |
178 |
12th event |
179 |
13th event |
180 |
14th event |
181 |
15th event |
182 |
16th event |
183 |
17th event |
184 |
18th event |
185 |
19th event |
186 |
20th event |
187 |
Event time |
188 |
6.2f |
189 |
Event code |
190 |
OK |
191 |
Power Error |
192 |
Setpoint Error |
193 |
Calibration OK |
194 |
Position diff. Error |
195 |
Calibration Error |
196 |
Diagnostics Error |
197 |
Position Sensor Error |
198 |
Pressure Sensor Error |
199 |
EEPROM Error |
200 |
Memory Error |
201 |
CPU Error |
202 |
Reset |
203 |
Operation hours |
204 |
Total operation time in hours |
205 |
Valve travel cntr |
206 |
Number of full strokes of valve |
207 |
Valve cycle cntr |
208 |
Number of reversals of valve |
209 |
Act travel cntr |
210 |
Number of full stokes of actuator |
211 |
Act cycle cntr |
212 |
Number of reversals of actuator |
213 |
Input sig |
214 |
The measured current value in the 4-20 mA input signal loop. |
215 |
mA |
216 |
Input signal units |
217 |
218 |
Valve trv |
219 |
The measured valve travel as percent of the calibrated valve travel range |
220 |
Valve trv units |
221 |
The units of valve travel |
222 |
Vlv trv SP |
223 |
The valve travel setpoint as percent of the calibrated valve travel range |
224 |
Valve travel SP units |
225 |
The units of valve travel setpoint |
226 |
Act pres |
227 |
The actuator pressure difference in 1- and 2-acting actuators (proportional to actuator load) |
228 |
Pressure units |
229 |
Sets the displayed pressure units |
230 |
Temp |
231 |
The temperature of the device |
232 |
Temperature units |
233 |
Sets the displayed temperature units |
234 |
Foovar |
235 |
Neles Controls |
236 |
8u |
237 |
Stop prestage trim |
238 |
Emergency stop of prestage trim |
239 |
Trim stopped. |
240 |
Trim prestage unit |
241 |
Automatic trim of prestage unit |
242 |
Calibration, test or trim is running. Cannot trim. |
243 |
Pre-stage trimming is recommended with the miniumum input signal of 8mA!
When input signal is 4mA ND800 is in energy saving mode and the performance is not optimal. |
244 |
Plug the cylinder pressure outputs C1 and C2 |
245 |
About to trim |
246 |
Trimming... |
247 |
Trim failed. Check positioner. |
248 |
Trim timeout, possible error in positioner. |
249 |
Trim done |
250 |
Unplug the cylinder pressure outputs C1 and C2 |
251 |
W |
252 |
Calibration stopped. Device might not work properly |
253 |
About to exit maximum actuator pressure mode. WARNING! This causes movement of actuator |
254 |
Warn |
255 |
-WARNING- The positioner will not function properly if the calib sequence failed. |
256 |
Event log |
257 |
View event log |
258 |
Select event log index |
259 |
Event time %{0} hours
%{1} |
260 |
View other events? |
261 |
Yes;No |
262 |
Pressure sensor |
263 |
Pressure sensor module calibration |
264 |
Pressure sensor calibration is recommended with the miniumum input signal of 8mA!
When input signal is 4mA ND800 is in energy saving mode and the performance is not optimal. |
265 |
Release actuator pressure and check that actuator pressure is equal to air pressure |
266 |
About to set pressure measurement zero |
267 |
Connect actuator cylinder pressure |
268 |
About to enter maximum actuator pressure mode. WARNING! This causes movement of actuator |
269 |
Select pressure units |
270 |
Enter pressure sensor range (%{0}) |
271 |
Enter meter value (%{0}) |
272 |
About to set pressure measurement span |
273 |
Please check that the value you entered is reasonable and re-enter the correct value. |
274 |
Calibrating... |
275 |
Pressure sensor module calibration done |
276 |
Position sensor |
277 |
Position sensor module calibration, temperature compensation and identification |
278 |
Position sensor calibration is recommended with the miniumum input signal of 8mA!
When input signal is 4mA ND800 is in energy saving mode and the performance is not optimal. |
279 |
Enter position sensor serial number |
280 |
Enter position sensor linear range |
281 |
Adjust position sensor to 50% of the sensor linear range (see instructions in IMO) |
282 |
About to set position measurement bias. Check position sensor adjustment |
283 |
Please wait ... |
284 |
About to set temperature compensation data for position sensor |
285 |
Select range of compensation temperature |
286 |
-40 degC to 0 degC;+5 degC to +45 degC;+50 degC to +85 degC |
287 |
Select compensation temperature |
288 |
-40 degC;-35 degC;-30 degC;-25 degC;-20 degC;-15 degC;-10 degC;- 5 degC;0 degC |
289 |
+ 5 degC;+10 degC;+15 degC;+20 degC;+25 degC;+30 degC;+35 degC;+40 degC;+45 degC |
290 |
+50 degC;+55 degC;+60 degC;+65 degC;+70 degC;+75 degC;+80 degC;+85 degC |
291 |
Pos sensor min output at %{0} |
292 |
Pos sensor max output at %{0} |
293 |
Set other temperature values? |
294 |
Position sensor module calibration done |
295 |
Custom linearization |
296 |
Sets customized travel curve of the control valve to linearize the relationship between valve travel setpoint and flow |
297 |
Select valve travel SP |
298 |
0%;10%;20%;30%;40%;50%;60%;70%;80%;90%;100% |
299 |
Set flow linearized valve travel at %{0} travel SP |
300 |
Set other points? |
301 |
Flow linearized valve travel curve set. |
302 |
Temp measurement |
303 |
Temperature ADC zero calibration of the component board module |
304 |
Temperature units |
305 |
About to set temperature measurement ADC zero |
306 |
Temperature measurement calibration done. |
307 |
Input signal |
308 |
Input signal ADC zero and span (4-20mA) calibration of the component board module |
309 |
Adjust loop current to 4 mA |
310 |
About to set input signal ADC zero (4mA) |
311 |
Adjust loop current to 20 mA |
312 |
About to set input signal ADC span (20mA) |
313 |
Input signal ADC calibration done |
314 |
Stop calibration |
315 |
Emergency stop of calibration |
316 |
Calibration stopped. |
317 |
Auto calib travel |
318 |
Automatic calibration of control valve travel against mechanical travel limits corresponding to 0-100% input signal |
319 |
Calibration or test is running. Cannot start calibration. |
320 |
Automatic travel calibration is recommended with the miniumum input signal of 8mA!
When input signal is 4mA ND800 is in energy saving mode and the performance is not optimal. |
321 |
WARNING! Ensure that control valve movement do not disturb process! |
322 |
About to start calibration |
323 |
Calibrating ... |
324 |
Calibration failed. Check positioner. |
325 |
Calibration timeout, possible error in positioner. |
326 |
Calibration done |
327 |
Unit code advise |
328 |
Remember to send a changed unit code to the device! |
329 |
Set ND800 S/N |
330 |
Stores the serial number of the ND800 valve controller into the nonvolatile memory of the ND800. Must be set when component board is replaced |
331 |
Enter ND serial number in format YYYYWWNNNN |
332 |
mfc_nb |
333 |
Incorrect format. |
334 |
Device S/N succesfully set. |
335 |
Reset valve cntrs |
336 |
Resets the valve counters to zero |
337 |
Are you sure? |
338 |
Valve counters reset done. |
339 |
Reset act cntrs |
340 |
Resets the actuator counters to zero |
341 |
Actuator counters reset done. |
342 |
Position transmitter |
343 |
Position transmitter DAC zero and span calibration |
344 |
Position transmitter calibration is recommended with the miniumum input signal of 8mA!
When input signal is 4mA ND800 is in energy saving mode and the performance is not optimal. |
345 |
About to set position transmitter output to 4 mA |
346 |
Output will be set - ok? |
347 |
Is position transmitter output equal to 4 mA? |
348 |
About to set position transmitter output to 20 mA |
349 |
Is position transmitter output equal to 20 mA? |
350 |
Position transmitter calibration done. |
351 |
Failure info |
352 |
Hot key |
353 |
Valve Controller |
354 |
Main menu |
355 |
Basic config |
356 |
Cntl valve asmbly |
357 |
Pos cntl tune |
358 |
Detailed config |
359 |
Travel control |
360 |
Flow characteriz |
361 |
Module calib |
362 |
Monitor settings |
363 |
Diagnostics |
364 |
Valve statistics |
365 |
Serial numbers |
366 |
Device is busy |
367 |
Data not acceptable, low limit >= high limit |
368 |
Measured value not acceptable |
369 |
Pressure is not stable. Wait and retry. |
370 |
Maximum pressure is not generated |
371 |
Calculated database value not in proper range |
372 |
Stability checking timeout |
373 |
Invalid units codes |
374 |
Span is too small |
375 |
Bias adjust failed |