Reference ID | Label | String |
0x00190001 | density_3680 | 3680 Dens |
0x00190002 | steam_quality_3280 | 3280 Steam qual |
0x001A0001 | ABB_DPK_pressure | DPK Pres |
0x001A0002 | ABB_PX_pressure | PX Pres |
0x001A0003 | ABB_DPK_temperature | DPK Temp |
0x001A0004 | valve_positioner | Valve Position |
0x001A0005 | flow_device | Flow |
0x001A0006 | level_device | Level |
0x001F0001 | mass_flow_9712 | 9712 Mass flo |
0x001F0002 | mass_flow_9739 | 9739 Mass flo |
0x00260001 | pressure_3051 | 3051 |
0x00260002 | pressure_1151s | 1151 |
0x00260003 | pressure_3001c | 3001C HTG |
0x00260004 | pressure_3001l | 3001L HTG |
0x00260005 | pressure_3051c | 3051C |
0x00260006 | temperature_3044 | 3044 Temp |
0x00260007 | mag_flow_8712 | Magmeter |
0x00260008 | mag_flow_8712H | Mag HS |
0x00260009 | htg_3201 | 3201 SAM |
0x0026000A | htg_3202 | 3202 SAM |
0x0026000B | temperature_3044C | 3044C Temp |
0x0026000C | pressure_1152s | 1152 |
0x0026000D | vortex_flow_8800 | Vortex |
0x0026000E | pressure_3051clp | 3051C LP |
0x0026000F | pressure_3001s | 3001S HTG |
0x00260010 | pressure_2001 | 2001 |
0x00260011 | level_4050 | 4050 |
0x00260012 | ascii_term | ASCII Term |
0x002E0001 | ph_1181 | 2081 pH |
0x002E0002 | ph_1054 | 2054 pH |
0x002E0003 | conductivity_1181 | 2081 Cond |
0x002E0004 | conductivity_1054 | 2054 Cond |
0x00FA0001 | InH2O | inH2O |
0x00FA0002 | InHg | inHg |
0x00FA0003 | FtH2O | ftH2O |
0x00FA0004 | mmH2O | mmH2O |
0x00FA0005 | mmHg | mmHg |
0x00FA0006 | psi | psi |
0x00FA0007 | bar | bar |
0x00FA0008 | mbar | mbar |
0x00FA0009 | g_SqCm | g/Sqcm |
0x00FA000A | kg_SqCm | kg/Sqcm |
0x00FA000B | PA | Pa |
0x00FA000C | kPA | kPa |
0x00FA000D | torr | torr |
0x00FA000E | ATM | atm |
0x00FA000F | CuFt_min | Cuft/min |
0x00FA0010 | gal_min | gal/min |
0x00FA0011 | l_min | L/min |
0x00FA0012 | ImpGal_min | Impgal/min |
0x00FA0013 | CuMtr_hr | Cum/h |
0x00FA0014 | ft_s | ft/s |
0x00FA0015 | mtr_s | m/s |
0x00FA0016 | gal_s | gal/s |
0x00FA0017 | MilGal_day | Mgal/d |
0x00FA0018 | l_s | L/s |
0x00FA0019 | MilL_day | ML/d |
0x00FA001A | CuFt_s | Cuft/s |
0x00FA001B | CuFt_day | Cuft/d |
0x00FA001C | CuMtr_s | Cum/s |
0x00FA001D | CuMtr_day | Cum/d |
0x00FA001E | ImpGal_hr | Impgal/h |
0x00FA001F | ImpGal_day | Impgal/d |
0x00FA0020 | degC | degC |
0x00FA0021 | degF | degF |
0x00FA0022 | degR | degR |
0x00FA0023 | Kelvin | Kelvin |
0x00FA0024 | mV | mV |
0x00FA0025 | Ohm | ohm |
0x00FA0026 | Hz | Hz |
0x00FA0027 | mA | mA |
0x00FA0028 | gal | gal |
0x00FA0029 | liter | L |
0x00FA002A | ImpGal | Impgal |
0x00FA002B | CuMtr | Cum |
0x00FA002C | ft | ft |
0x00FA002D | meter | m |
0x00FA002E | bbl | bbl |
0x00FA002F | in | in |
0x00FA0030 | cm | cm |
0x00FA0031 | mm | mm |
0x00FA0032 | min | min |
0x00FA0033 | sec | s |
0x00FA0034 | hr | h |
0x00FA0035 | day | d |
0x00FA0036 | cpoise | cP |
0x00FA0037 | uMho | uMho |
0x00FA0038 | Percent | % |
0x00FA0039 | v | V |
0x00FA003A | pH | pH |
0x00FA003B | gram | g |
0x00FA003C | kg | kg |
0x00FA003D | MetTon | MetTon |
0x00FA003E | lb | lb |
0x00FA003F | ShTon | STon |
0x00FA0040 | LTon | LTon |
0x00FA0041 | g_s | g/s |
0x00FA0042 | g_min | g/min |
0x00FA0043 | g_hr | g/h |
0x00FA0044 | kg_s | kg/s |
0x00FA0045 | kg_min | kg/min |
0x00FA0046 | kg_hr | kg/h |
0x00FA0047 | kg_day | kg/d |
0x00FA0048 | MetTon_min | MetTon/min |
0x00FA0049 | MetTon_hr | MetTon/h |
0x00FA004A | MetTon_day | MetTon/d |
0x00FA004B | lb_s | lb/s |
0x00FA004C | lb_min | lb/min |
0x00FA004D | lb_hr | lb/h |
0x00FA004E | lb_day | lb/d |
0x00FA004F | ShTon_min | STon/min |
0x00FA0050 | ShTon_hr | STon/h |
0x00FA0051 | ShTon_day | STon/d |
0x00FA0052 | LTon_hr | LTon/h |
0x00FA0053 | LTon_day | LTon/d |
0x00FA0054 | SGU | SGU |
0x00FA0055 | g_CuCm | g/Cucm |
0x00FA0056 | kg_CuMtr | kg/Cum |
0x00FA0057 | lb_gal | lb/gal |
0x00FA0058 | lb_CuFt | lb/Cuft |
0x00FA0059 | g_ml | g/mL |
0x00FA005A | kg_l | kg/L |
0x00FA005B | g_l | g/L |
0x00FA005C | lb_CuIn | lb/Cuin |
0x00FA005D | ShTon_CuYd | STon/Cuyd |
0x00FA005E | degTwad | degTwad |
0x00FA005F | degBrix | degBrix |
0x00FA0060 | degBaum_hv | degBaum hv |
0x00FA0061 | degBaum_lt | degBaum lt |
0x00FA0062 | degAPI | degAPI |
0x00FA0063 | Percent_sol_wt | % sol-wt |
0x00FA0064 | Percent_sol_vol | % sol-vol |
0x00FA0065 | degBall | degBall |
0x00FA0066 | proof_vol | proof/vol |
0x00FA0067 | proof_mass | proof/mass |
0x00FA0068 | bush | bush |
0x00FA0069 | CuYd | Cuyd |
0x00FA006A | CuFt | Cuft |
0x00FA006B | CuIn | Cuin |
0x00FA006C | mtr_hr | m/h |
0x00FA006D | CuFt_hr | Cuft/h |
0x00FA006E | CuMtr_min | Cum/min |
0x00FA006F | bbl_s | bbl/s |
0x00FA0070 | bbl_min | bbl/min |
0x00FA0071 | bbl_hr | bbl/h |
0x00FA0072 | bbl_day | bbl/d |
0x00FA0073 | gal_hr | gal/h |
0x00FA0074 | ImpGal_s | Impgal/s |
0x00FA0075 | l_hr | L/h |
0x00FA0076 | percent_StmQual | % Stm Qual |
0x00FA0077 | Ftin16 | ft.in16 |
0x00FA0078 | CuFt_lb | Cuft/lb |
0x00FA0079 | Percent_plato | % plato |
0x00FA007A | centi_stokes | cSt |
0x00FA007B | pico_farads | pF |
0x00FA007C | mega_pascals | MPa |
0x00FA007D | in_H2O_4_degrees_C | inH2O @4DegC |
0x00FA007E | mm_H2O_4_degrees_C | mmH2O @4DegC |
0x00FA007F | hecto_liter | hL |
0x00FA0080 | gallons_per_day | gal/d |
0x00FB0001 | linear | Linear |
0x00FB0002 | square_root | Sq root |
0x00FB0005 | square_root_to_the_third_power | Sq root to 3rd powr |
0x00FB0006 | square_root_to_the_fifth_power | Sq root to 5th powr |
0x00FB0007 | special_curve | Spcl curve |
0x00FB0008 | square_root_plus_special_curve | Sq root+ spcl curve |
0x00FB0009 | square_root_to_the_third_power_plus_special_curve | Sq R to 3rd P+SCurv |
0x00FB000A | square_root_to_the_fifth_power_plus_special_curve | Sq R to 5th P+SC |
0x00FC0001 | carbon_steel | Carbon Steel |
0x00FC0002 | stainless_steel_304 | 304 SST |
0x00FC0003 | stainless_steel_316 | 316 SST |
0x00FC0004 | hastelloy_c | Hast-C |
0x00FC0005 | monel | Monel |
0x00FC0006 | tantalum | Tantalum |
0x00FC0007 | titanium | Titanium |
0x00FC0008 | pt_ir | Pt-Ir |
0x00FC0009 | alloy_20 | Alloy 20 |
0x00FC000A | co_cr_ni | Co-Cr-Ni |
0x00FC000B | ptfe | PTFE |
0x00FC000C | vito | Viton |
0x00FC000D | buna_n | Buna-N |
0x00FC000E | ethyl_prop | Ethyl-Prop |
0x00FC000F | urethane | Urethane |
0x00FC0010 | gold | Gold/Monel |
0x00FC0011 | tefzel | Tefzel |
0x00FC0012 | ryton | Ryton |
0x00FC0013 | ceramic | Ceramic |
0x00FC0014 | stainless_steel_316l | 316L |
0x00FC0015 | pvc | PVC |
0x00FC0016 | nitrile_rubber | Nitrile Rubber |
0x00FC0017 | kalrez | Kalrez |
0x00FC0018 | inconel | Inconel |
0x00FC0019 | kynar | Kynar |
0x00FC001A | aluminium | Al |
0x00FC001B | nickel | Nickel |
0x00FC001C | hastelloy_c276 | Hast-C276 |
0x00FC001D | monel_400 | Monel-400 |
0x00FD0001 | Acromag | Acromag |
0x00FD0002 | Allen_Bradley | Allen Bradley |
0x00FD0003 | Ametek | Ametek |
0x00FD0004 | Analog_Devices | Analog Devices |
0x00FD0005 | Bailey | Bailey |
0x00FD0006 | Beckman | Beckman |
0x00FD0007 | Bell_Microsensor | Bell Microsensor |
0x00FD0008 | Bourns | Bourns |
0x00FD0009 | Bristol_Babcock | Bristol Babcock |
0x00FD000A | Brooks_Instrument | Brooks Instrument |
0x00FD000B | Chessell | Chessell |
0x00FD000C | Combustion_Engineering | Combustion Engineering |
0x00FD000D | Daniel_Industries | Daniel Industries |
0x00FD000E | Delta | Delta |
0x00FD000F | Dieterich_Standard | Dieterich Standard |
0x00FD0010 | Dohrmann | Dohrmann |
0x00FD0011 | Endress_and_Hauser | Endress & Hauser |
0x00FD0012 | Fischer_and_Porter | Fischer & Porter |
0x00FD0013 | Fisher_Controls | Fisher Controls |
0x00FD0014 | Foxboro | Foxboro |
0x00FD0015 | Fuji | Fuji |
0x00FD0016 | Hartmann_and_Braun | Hartmann & Braun |
0x00FD0017 | Honeywell | Honeywell |
0x00FD0018 | ITT_Barton | ITT Barton |
0x00FD0019 | KayRay_Sensall | Kay Ray/Sensall |
0x00FD001A | Kent | Kent |
0x00FD001B | Leeds_and_Northrup | Leeds & Northrup |
0x00FD001C | Leslie | Leslie |
0x00FD001D | M_System_Co | M-System Co. |
0x00FD001E | Measurex | Measurex |
0x00FD001F | Micro_Motion | Micro Motion |
0x00FD0020 | Moore_Industries | Moore Industries |
0x00FD0021 | Moore_Products | Moore Products |
0x00FD0022 | Ohkura_Electric | Ohkura Electric |
0x00FD0023 | Paine | Paine |
0x00FD0024 | Rochester_Instrument_Systems | Rochester Instrument Systems |
0x00FD0025 | Ronan | Ronan |
0x00FD0026 | Rosemount | Rosemount |
0x00FD0027 | Sarasota_Automation | Sarasota Automation |
0x00FD0028 | Schlumberger | Schlumberger |
0x00FD0029 | Sensall | Sensall |
0x00FD002A | Siemens | Siemens |
0x00FD002B | Camille_Bauer | Camille Bauer |
0x00FD002C | Toshiba | Toshiba |
0x00FD002D | Transmation | Transmation |
0x00FD002E | Rosemount_Analytical | Rosemount Analytic |
0x00FD002F | Valmet | Valmet |
0x00FD0030 | Valtek | Valtek |
0x00FD0031 | Varec | Varec |
0x00FD0032 | Viatran | Viatran |
0x00FD0033 | Weed | Weed |
0x00FD0034 | Westinghouse | Westinghouse |
0x00FD0035 | Xomox | Xomox |
0x00FD0036 | Yamatake | Yamatake |
0x00FD0037 | Yokogawa | Yokogawa |
0x00FD0038 | Nuovo_Pignone | Nuovo Pignone |
0x00FD0039 | Promac | Promac |
0x00FD003A | Exac_Corporation | Exac Corporation |
0x00FD003B | KDG_Mobrey | KDG Mobrey |
0x00FD003C | Acrom_Control_System | Arcom Control Systems |
0x00FD003D | Oval | Oval |
0x00FD003E | Princo | Princo |
0x00FD003F | Smar | Smar |
0x00FD0040 | Eckardt | Eckardt |
0x00FD0041 | Measurement_Technology | Measurement Technology |
0x00FD0042 | Applied_System_Technologies | Applied System Technologies |
0x00FD0043 | Samson | Samson |
0x00FD0044 | Sparling_Instruments | Sparling Instruments |
0x00FD0045 | Fireye | Fireye |
0x00FD0046 | Krohne | Krohne |
0x00FD0047 | Betz_Equipment | Betz |
0x00FD0048 | Druck | Druck |
0x00FD0049 | SOR | SOR |
0x00FD004A | Elcon_Instruments | Elcon Instruments |
0x00FD004B | EMCO | EMCO |
0x00FE0001 | invalid_selection | Invalid selection |
0x00FE0002 | passed_parameter_too_large | Value was too high |
0x00FE0003 | passed_parameter_too_small | Value was too low |
0x00FE0004 | too_few_data_bytes_recieved | Too few data bytes received |
0x00FE0005 | lower_range_value_too_high | Lower range value too high |
0x00FE0008 | lower_range_value_too_low | Lower range value too low |
0x00FE000A | upper_range_value_too_high | Upper range value too high |
0x00FE000C | upper_range_value_too_low | Upper range value too low |
0x00FE0012 | URV_and_LRV_out_of_limits | Lower range value and upper range value out of limits |
0x00FE0016 | set_to_nearest_possible_value | Set to nearest possible value |
0x00FE0018 | span_too_small | Span too small |
0x00FE0019 | new_LRV_pushed_URV_over_USL | New lower range value pushed upper range value over upper sensor limit |
0x00FE001B | invalid_transmitter_variable | Invalid field device variable code |
0x00FE001C | invalid_units | Invalid unit |
0x00FE001D | invalid_analog_output_number_code | Invalid analog output number code |
0x00FE004C | invalid_transfer_function_code | Invalid transfer function |
0x00FF0004 | update_in_progress | Update In progress |
0x00FF0006 | no_command_specific_errors | No specific error |
0x00FF0007 | xmtr_specific_command_error | Field device specific error |
0x00FF0008 | access_restricted | Access restricted |
0x00FF0009 | update_failure | Update fail |
0x01000001 | in_write_protect_mode | In write protect mode |
0x01000002 | not_in_proper_current_mode | Not in fixed current mode |
0x01000003 | not_in_proper_anlg_output_mode | Not in analog output mode |
0x01000007 | in_multidrop_mode | In multidrop mode |
0x01010001 | applied_process_too_high | Applied process too high |
0x01010002 | applied_process_too_low | Applied process too low |
0x01080001 | buffer_overflow | Buffer overflow |
0x01080002 | longitudinal_parity_error | Longitudinal parity error |
0x01080003 | framing_error | Framing error |
0x01080004 | overrun_error | Overrun error |
0x01080005 | vertical_parity_error | Vertical parity error |
0x01090001 | PV_out_of_limits | Process applied to the primary variable is outside the operating limits of the field device |
0x01090002 | Non_PV_out_of_limits | Process applied to the non-primary variable is outside the operating limits of the field device |
0x01090003 | PV_analog_output_saturated | Analog output 1 and its digital representation are outside the operating range limits, and not responding to input |
0x01090004 | PV_analog_output_fixed | Analog output 1 and its digital representation are in fixed mode, and not responsive to input changes |
0x01090005 | more_status_available | Field device has more status available |
0x01090006 | cold_start | A reset or self test of the field device has occurred, or power has been removed and reapplied |
0x01090007 | configuration_changed | A modification has been made to the configuration of the field device |
0x01090008 | device_malfunction | Field device has malfunctioned due to a hardware error or failure |
0x01120005 | normal | Normal |
0x01150001 | off | Off |
0x01150002 | on | On |
0x0115000A | not_used | Not used |
0x0115000B | none | None |
0x0115000C | unknown | Unknown |
0x0115000D | special | Spcl |
0x0115000E | expansion | Expansion |
0x0115000F | success | Success |
0x01150010 | high | Hi |
0x01150011 | low | Lo |
0x01150043 | bell_202_current | Bell 202 current |
0x01150044 | bell_202_voltage | Bell 202 voltage |
0x01150045 | Multisens_Dev | Multisnsr dev |
0x01150046 | EEPROM_Ctrl | Command #39, EEPROM cntrl, required |
0x01150047 | primary_variable | PV |
0x01150048 | percent_range_and_current | % range/current |
0x01150049 | all_process_variables_and_current | Process vars/crnt |
0x0115004A | burn_eeprom | Burn EEPROM |
0x0115004B | restore_shadow_ram | Restore shadow RAM |
0x0115004C | no | No |
0x0115004D | yes | Yes |
0x0115004E | rs_485 | RS-485 |
0x0115004F | protocol_bridge_device | Protocol bridge dev |
0x0116002A | device_setup | Device setup |
0x0116002D | calibration | Calibration |
0x0116002F | basic_setup | Basic setup |
0x0117000B | loop_test | Loop test |
0x0117000C | DAC_trim | D/A trim |
0x0117000D | zero_trim | Zero trim |
0x0117000E | scaled_DAC_trim | Scaled D/A trim |
0x0117000F | leaving_fixed_current_mode | Leaving fixed crnt mode |
0x01170014 | trim_analog_output | Trim analog output |
0x01170015 | fix_analog_output | Fix analog output |
0x0117001D | field_device_variable_zero_trim | Dev var zero trim |
0x0117001E | apply_values | Apply values |
0x01170020 | aborting_return_to_normal | Aborting return to normal |
0x01170021 | set_loop_to_manual | Set loop to manual |
0x01190005 | manufacturer_id | Manufacturer |
0x01190006 | device_type | Model |
0x01190007 | number_of_request_preambles | Num req preams |
0x01190008 | universal_revision | Universal rev |
0x01190009 | transmitter_revision | Fld dev rev |
0x0119000A | software_revision | Software rev |
0x0119000B | hardware_revision | Hardware rev |
0x0119000C | device_flags | Dev flags |
0x0119000D | device_identification | Dev id |
0x0119000E | polling_address | Poll addr |
0x0119000F | tag | Tag |
0x01190010 | message | Message |
0x01190011 | descriptor | Descriptor |
0x01190012 | date | Date |
0x01190013 | write_protect | Write protect |
0x01190014 | private_label_distributor | Distributor |
0x01190015 | final_assembly_number | Final asmbly num |
0x01190017 | EEPROM_select | EEPROM select |
0x01190018 | xmtr_specific_status_0 | Status group 1 |
0x01190019 | xmtr_specific_status_1 | Status group 2 |
0x0119001A | xmtr_specific_status_2 | Status group 3 |
0x0119001B | xmtr_specific_status_3 | Status group 4 |
0x0119001C | xmtr_specific_status_4 | Status group 5 |
0x0119001D | xmtr_specific_status_5 | Status group 6 |
0x0119001E | operating_mode_1 | Operate mode 1 |
0x0119001F | operating_mode_2 | Operate mode 2 |
0x01190020 | analog_output_saturated | AO saturated |
0x01190021 | analog_output_fixed | AO fixed |
0x0119002A | xmtr_specific_status_14 | Status group 15 |
0x0119002B | xmtr_specific_status_15 | Status group 16 |
0x0119002C | xmtr_specific_status_16 | Status group 17 |
0x0119002D | unit_tag | Dev tag |
0x0119002E | unit_descriptor | Dev des |
0x0119002F | unit_date | Dev date |
0x01190030 | number_of_response_preambles | Num resp preams |
0x01190031 | burst_command_number | Burst option |
0x01190032 | burst_mode_select | Burst mode |
0x01190037 | transfer_function | Xfer fnctn |
0x01190070 | percent_of_range | % rnge |
0x01190073 | damping_value | Damp |
0x0119007C | range_units | Rnge unit |
0x01190091 | units | Unit |
0x01190170 | physical_signalling_code | Physicl signl code |
0x01190171 | fourth_variable_is | 4V is |
0x01190172 | tertiary_variable_is | TV is |
0x01190173 | secondary_variable_is | SV is |
0x01190174 | primary_variable_is | PV is |
0x01190175 | xmtr_specific_status_17 | Status group 18 |
0x01190176 | xmtr_specific_status_18 | Status group 19 |
0x01190177 | xmtr_specific_status_19 | Status group 20 |
0x01190178 | xmtr_specific_status_20 | Status group 21 |
0x01190179 | xmtr_specific_status_21 | Status group 22 |
0x0119017A | xmtr_specific_status_22 | Status group 23 |
0x0119017B | xmtr_specific_status_23 | Status group 24 |
0x0119017C | xmtr_specific_status_24 | Status group 25 |
0x011A0019 | urv | URV |
0x011A001A | lrv | LRV |
0x011A001B | usl | USL |
0x011A001C | lsl | LSL |
0x011A001D | minimum_span | Min span |
0x01240004 | transfer_function_help | Transfer Function- Defines the transformation function that will be applied from the Field Device Variable to the Analog Output, and Percent Range. The Transfer Function does not affect the Digital Value representation. |
0x01240008 | digital_units_help | Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit |
0x01240009 | digital_value_help | Field Device Variable Value- Digital value that changes magnitude with respect to time with no user intervention |
0x0124000A | percent_of_range_help | Percent of Range- Variable that tracks the Digital Value representation with respect to the range defined by the Lower Range Value and Upper Range Value, for normal operating modes. The units of this variable are always in percent. |
0x0124000B | sensor_minspan_unit_help | Sensor Limit Units and Minimum Span Units- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Upper Sensor Limit, Lower Sensor Limit, and Minimum Span |
0x0124000C | upper_sensor_limit_help | Upper Sensor Limit Value- Defines the maximum usable value for the Upper Range Value |
0x0124000D | lower_sensor_limit_help | Lower Sensor Limit Value- Defines the minimum usable value for the Lower Range Value |
0x0124000E | minimum_span_help | Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value |
0x01240010 | range_units_help | Range Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Upper Range Value and Lower Range Value |
0x01240011 | upper_range_value_help | Upper Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value, and the 100% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Upper Range Value defines an operational endpoint which the alarms associated with the Analog Value, and the alarms associated with the Digital Value representation are derived. |
0x01240012 | lower_range_value_help | Lower Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value, and the 0% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Lower Range Value defines an operational endpoint which the alarms associated with the Analog Value, and the alarms associated with the Digital Value representation are derived. |
0x01240013 | seconds_damping_value_help | Damping Value- Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value representation and Analog Value of the respective Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. |
0x01240015 | transmitter_variable_help | Field Device Variable- Digital measurement that changes with respect to time without user intervention |
0x0124001B | final_assembly_number_help | Final Assembly Number- Number that is used for identification purposes, and is associated with the overall Field Device |
0x0124001C | private_label_distributor_help | Private Label Distributor- References the company that is responsible for the distribution of this Field Device to customers |
0x0124001D | write_protect_mode_help | Write Protect Mode- Indicates whether variables can be written to the Field Device, or whether commands that cause actions, to be performed in the Field Device, can or cannot occur. Depending on the Field Device, this is a mode that is controllable by the user, either via the Field Device hardware or the HART Protocol. |
0x0124001E | date_help | Date- Gregorian calendar date that is stored in the Field Device. This date can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. |
0x0124001F | discriptor_help | Descriptor- Text that is associated with the Field Device. This text can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. |
0x01240020 | message_help | Message- Text that is associated with the Field Device. This text can be used by the user in any way. There is no recommended use. |
0x01240021 | polling_address_help | Polling Address- Address used by the Host to identify a Field Device, and changeable by the User to control: the Multidrop Mode for Analog Output 1), and the Analog Output Fixed Mode of Analog Output 1) |
0x01240022 | field_device_identification_help | Field Device Identification- Uniquely identifies the Field Device when combined with the Manufacturer Identification and Device Type. Therefore, this variable cannot be modified by the Host user. |
0x01240023 | field_device_flags_help | Field Device Flags- Describes special features of the Field Device that affect the Data Link Layer |
0x01240024 | physical_signalling_code_help | Physical Signaling Code- The Physical Signaling Code describes the type of Physical Layer that has been implemented in the hardware that is responsible for the HART Communication port |
0x01240025 | hardware_revision_help | Hardware Revision- Revision that corresponds to the electronics hardware of the Field Device |
0x01240026 | field_device_software_revision_help | Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device |
0x01240027 | field_device_revision_help | Field Device Revision- Revision of the Field Device Specific Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to |
0x01240028 | universal_revision_help | Universal Revision- Revision of the Universal Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to |
0x01240029 | number_of_request_preambles_help | Number of Request Preambles- Number of Preambles required from the Host request by the Field Device |
0x0124002A | manufacturers_device_type_help | Model- References the type of Field Device, usually an advertised model number, that is unique to a single manufacturer |
0x0124002B | manufacturer_id_code_help | Manufacturer Identification Code- References a specific manufacturer, which is usually a company name, that is responsible for the manufacture of this Field Device |
0x0124002C | field_device_status_help | Field Device Status- Data indicating that the Field Device has detected condition(s) in the Field Device relating to: its hardware / the validity of a variable / its operating status / an internal process |
0x0124002D | communications_error_summary_help | Communications Error Summary- The Field Device has detected the following error condition while attempting to receive the Host request. Therefore the Command was not accepted, and the Host request caused no change to occur in the Field Device. |
0x0124002E | command_specific_response_code_help | Command Specific Response Code- Data that is returned in the Field Device response, that indicates the relative success of the Command sent in the Host request. This information may relate to the Data of the Host request or to the command itself. |
0x0124002F | burst_mode_select_help | Burst Mode Select- Selects the mode for the Burst Mode functionality. If Burst is enabled the Field Device will generate HART messages on the Link without individual requests from the Host. |
0x01240030 | burst_command_number_help | Burst Option- Selects the variable(s) that will be Bursted if Burst Mode is enabled |
0x01240031 | index_into_dynamic_variables_array_help | Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index that identifies a Field Device Variable that is dynamic with respect to time, with no user input |
0x01240032 | index_into_dynamic_variables_array_1_help | Index into Dynamic Variables Array- Is the first an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Field Device Variable Code |
0x01240033 | index_into_dynamic_variables_array_2_help | Index into Dynamic Variables Array- Is the second of an array of addresses, whose value identified by the Field Device Variable Code |
0x01240034 | index_into_dynamic_variables_array_3_help | Index into Dynamic Variables Array- Is the third of an array of addresses, whose value identified by the Field Device Variable Code |
0x01240035 | index_into_dynamic_variables_array_4_help | Index into Dynamic Variables Array- Is the fourth of an array of addresses, whose value identified by the Field Device Variable Code |
0x01240036 | fourth_variable_code_is_help | Fourth Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Fourth Variable dynamic variable |
0x01240037 | tertiary_variable_code_is_help | Tertiary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Tertiary Variable dynamic variable |
0x01240038 | secondary_variable_code_is_help | Secondary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Secondary Variable dynamic variable |
0x01240039 | primary_variable_code_is_help | Primary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Primary Variable dynamic variable |
0x0124003A | analog_output_fixed_help | Field Device Specific Dynamic Variable Analog Output Fixed- Data that indicates which of the Analog Outputs are, or are not, Fixed. The analog and digital Analog Outputs for the Dynamic Variable are held at a constant value (depending on the Mode of the Field Device). They will not respond to the applied process. |
0x0124003B | analog_output_saturated_help | Field Device Specific Dynamic Variable Analog Output Saturated- Data that indicates which of the Analog Outputs are, or are not, saturated. The analog and digital Analog Outputs for the Dynamic Variable are beyond their limits and no longer represent the true applied process. |
0x0124003C | operating_mode_2_help | Field Device Specific Operating Mode 2- A possible mode of operation in Field Device |
0x0124003D | operating_mode_1_help | Field Device Specific Operating Mode 1- A possible mode of operation in Field Device |
0x0124003E | index_four_into_analog_output_array_help | Index into Analog Output Array- Is the fourth of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Output Code |
0x0124003F | index_three_into_analog_output_array_help | Index into Analog Output Array- Is the third of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Output Code |
0x01240040 | index_two_into_analog_output_array_help | Index into Analog Output Array- Is the second of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Output Code |
0x01240041 | index_one_into_analog_output_array_help | Index into Analog Output Array- Is the first of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Output Code |
0x01240042 | analog_output_number_help | Analog Output Number- Index into an array of Analog Outputs |
0x01240043 | number_of_response_preambles_help | Number of Response Preambles- Number of Preambles to be sent in the response message from the Field Device to the Host |
0x01240044 | unit_date_help | Field Device Date- Georgian calendar date associated with the Field Device, when there are other Date(s) in the Field Device that relate to sub applications |
0x01240045 | unit_descriptor_help | Field Device Descriptor- Text that is stored in the Field Device, when there are other Descriptors in the Field Device that relate to sub applications |
0x01240046 | unit_tag_help | Field Device Tag- Text that is stored in the Field Device, when there are other Tags in the Field Device that relate to sub applications |
0x01240047 | field_device_status_16_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 17- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240048 | field_device_status_15_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 16- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240049 | field_device_status_14_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 15- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240052 | field_device_status_5_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 6- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240053 | field_device_status_4_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 5- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240054 | field_device_status_3_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 4- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240055 | field_device_status_2_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 3- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240056 | field_device_status_1_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 2- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240057 | field_device_status_0_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 1- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240058 | eeprom_select_help | Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory Selection- Controls the data in: EEPROM Read Only Memory / Read Only Memory |
0x01240059 | burn_eeprom_help | Burn Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory- Operation where the Field Device will copy what is in its Random Access Memory into the Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory, thus making changes by the Host permanent |
0x0124005A | leaving_fixed_current_mode_help_1 | Leaving Fixed Current Mode- Takes the selected Analog Output out of a mode where the output was a constant value, and returns the output to a mode where the output then tracks the input |
0x0124005B | leaving_fixed_current_mode_help_2 | Leaving Fixed Current Mode- Takes the Analog Output out of a mode where the output was a constant value, and returns the output to a mode where the output the tracks the input |
0x0124005C | zero_trim_help | Zero trim- Make the sensor input the new zero input reference |
0x0124005D | digital_to_analog_trim_help | Digital to Analog Trim- Allows the calibration of a selected Analog Output with an external reference at the operating endpoints of the Analog Output |
0x0124005E | digital_to_analog_scaled_trim_help | Digital to Analog Scaled Trim- Allows the calibration of the Analog Output with an external reference at the operating endpoints of the Analog Output |
0x0124005F | fix_analog_output_help | Fix Analog Output- Allows the User to manually manipulate a selected Analog Output to a selected constant output value |
0x01240060 | applied_values_help | Applied values- Perform a device rerange by applying the desired Upper Range Value and Lower Range Values to the device input |
0x01240061 | loop_test_help | Loop test- Allows the User to manually manipulate the Analog Output to a selected constant output value |
0x01240062 | tag_help | Tag- Text that is associated with the Field Device installation. This text can be used by the user in any way. A recommended use is as a unique label to a plant that correlates to a Field Device label: a plant drawing, or on a Control System. This variable is also used as a type of data link layer address handle. |
0x01240063 | field_device_status_17_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 18- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240064 | field_device_status_18_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 19- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240065 | field_device_status_19_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 20- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240066 | field_device_status_20_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 21- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240067 | field_device_status_21_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 22- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240068 | field_device_status_22_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 23- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240069 | field_device_status_23_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 24- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x0124006A | field_device_status_24_help | Field Device Specific Status Byte 25- Data that has Field Device status information relating to: failures / warnings / status of process's |
0x01240074 | multi_sensor_fld_dev | Multi Sensor Field Device |
0x01240075 | not_write_protected | Not Write Protected |
0x01240076 | write_protected | Write Protected |
0x01240077 | pv_help | Primary Variable |
0x01240078 | percent_rnge_help | Percent of Range of the Primary Variable and Analog Output 1 Current |
0x01240079 | all_process_var_help | All Dynamic Process Variables and Analog Output 1 Current |
0x01260003 | analog_output_1 | AO1 |
0x01260004 | analog_output_2 | AO2 |
0x01260009 | blank | |
0x0126000B | level | Lvl |
0x01260013 | sensor_unit | Snsr unit |
0x01260055 | analog_output_3 | AO3 |
0x01260056 | analog_output_4 | AO4 |
0x012C0024 | transmitter_variable | Fld dev var |
0x012C0027 | hold_last_output_value | Hold last out valu |
0x012C0035 | pressure_help | Pressure- Pressure of the process measured with respect to a reference pressure |
0x012D0001 | remove_loop_from_auto | WARN-Loop should be removed from automatic control |
0x012D0002 | loop_output | Output |
0x012D0003 | fld_dev_otpt_fixed | Fld dev output is fixed at %0 mA |
0x012D0004 | choose_analog_output_level | Choose analog output level |
0x012D0005 | choices_4_20_other_end | 4mA;20mA;Other;End |
0x012D0006 | abort_last_error | Aborting method due to last error |
0x012D0007 | setting_fld_dev_4_ma | Setting fld dev output to 4mA |
0x012D0008 | enter_meter_value | Enter meter value |
0x012D0009 | fld_dev_otpt_equal_ref_meter | Fld dev output %0 mA equal to reference meter? |
0x012D000A | yes_no | Yes;No |
0x012D000B | setting_fld_dev_20_ma | Setting fld dev output to 20mA |
0x012D000C | trim_scaled_from_low_to_high | Trim will be scaled from %{low} to %{high} |
0x012D000D | set_scale_lo_output_value | Set scale- Lo output value |
0x012D000E | set_scale_hi_output_value | Set scale- Hi output value |
0x012D000F | proceed_change | Proceed;Change |
0x012D0010 | high_low_0_invalid | high - low = 0 is invalid |
0x012D0011 | connect_reference_meter | Connect reference meter |
0x012D0012 | scaled_otpt_low_eq_dev | Scaled output: %{low} equal readout device? |
0x012D0013 | scaled_otpt_high_eq_dev | Scaled output: %{high} equal readout device? |
0x012D0014 | this_will_affect_snsr_cal | WARN-This will affect sensor calibration |
0x012D0015 | apply_0_input_to_snsr | Apply 0 input to sensor |
0x012D0016 | snsr_input_stabilizing | Sensor input stabilizing |
0x012D0017 | zero_the_input_and_try_again | Do you wish to zero the input and try again ? |
0x012D0018 | snsr_zero_succeeded | Sensor zero succeeded |
0x012D0019 | return_fld_dev_to_orig_otpt | Returning fld dev to original output |
0x012D001A | loop_may_be_returned_to_auto | NOTE-Loop may be returned to automatic control |
0x012D001B | apply_new_4ma_input | Apply new 4ma input |
0x012D001C | set_the | Set the: |
0x012D001D | choice_4_20_exit | 4mA;20mA;Exit |
0x012D001E | current_applied_process_val | Current applied process value: %{0} %{1} |
0x012D001F | set_4ma_read_new_leave | Set as 4mA value;Read new value;Leave as found |
0x012D0020 | apply_new_20ma_input | Apply new 20ma input |
0x012D0021 | set_20ma_read_new_leave | Set as 20mA value;Read new value;Leave as found |
0x012D0022 | remove_from_auto_befor_send | WARN-Remove loop from automatic control before sending. You may return loop to automatic control after sending. |
0x012D0023 | select_analog_output_to_trim | Select analog output to trim |
0x012D0024 | select_analog_output_units | Select analog output units |
0x012D0025 | select_fld_dev_var_snsr_trim | Select fld dev var sensor to trim |
0x012D0026 | enter_desired_analog_output | Enter desired analog output value |
0x012D0027 | new_value_end | New value;End |
0x012D0028 | fld_dev_AO_is_fixed_at | Feld dev %0 A0 is fixed at %1 %2 |
0x012D0029 | about_to_set_fld_dev_output | About to set fld dev output to %0 %1 |
0x012D002A | fld_dev_output_eq_ref_meter | Fld dev output %0 %1 equal to reference meter? |
0x012D002B | invalid_value_try_again | Invalid value try again |
0x012D002C | making_changes_permanent | Making changes permanent |
0x012D002D | previous_err_seen_brn_eeprom | The previous error was seen while trying to burn EEPROM |
0x012F0041 | fld_dev_stat1_1 | Fld dev stat1-1 |
0x012F0042 | fld_dev_stat1_2 | Fld dev stat1-2 |
0x012F0043 | fld_dev_stat1_3 | Fld dev stat1-3 |
0x012F0044 | fld_dev_stat1_4 | Fld dev stat1-4 |
0x012F0045 | fld_dev_stat1_5 | Fld dev stat1-5 |
0x012F0046 | fld_dev_stat1_6 | Fld dev stat1-6 |
0x012F0047 | fld_dev_stat1_7 | Fld dev stat1-7 |
0x012F0048 | fld_dev_stat1_8 | Fld dev stat1-8 |
0x012F0049 | fld_dev_stat2_1 | Fld dev stat2-1 |
0x012F004A | fld_dev_stat2_2 | Fld dev stat2-2 |
0x012F004B | fld_dev_stat2_3 | Fld dev stat2-3 |
0x012F004C | fld_dev_stat2_4 | Fld dev stat2-4 |
0x012F004D | fld_dev_stat2_5 | Fld dev stat2-5 |
0x012F004E | fld_dev_stat2_6 | Fld dev stat2-6 |
0x012F004F | fld_dev_stat2_7 | Fld dev stat2-7 |
0x012F0050 | fld_dev_stat2_8 | Fld dev stat2-8 |
0x012F0051 | fld_dev_stat3_1 | Fld dev stat3-1 |
0x012F0052 | fld_dev_stat3_2 | Fld dev stat3-2 |
0x012F0053 | fld_dev_stat3_3 | Fld dev stat3-3 |
0x012F0054 | fld_dev_stat3_4 | Fld dev stat3-4 |
0x012F0055 | fld_dev_stat3_5 | Fld dev stat3-5 |
0x012F0056 | fld_dev_stat3_6 | Fld dev stat3-6 |
0x012F0057 | fld_dev_stat3_7 | Fld dev stat3-7 |
0x012F0058 | fld_dev_stat3_8 | Fld dev stat3-8 |
0x012F0059 | fld_dev_stat4_1 | Fld dev stat4-1 |
0x012F005A | fld_dev_stat4_2 | Fld dev stat4-2 |
0x012F005B | fld_dev_stat4_3 | Fld dev stat4-3 |
0x012F005C | fld_dev_stat4_4 | Fld dev stat4-4 |
0x012F005D | fld_dev_stat4_5 | Fld dev stat4-5 |
0x012F005E | fld_dev_stat4_6 | Fld dev stat4-6 |
0x012F005F | fld_dev_stat4_7 | Fld dev stat4-7 |
0x012F0060 | fld_dev_stat4_8 | Fld dev stat4-8 |
0x012F0061 | fld_dev_stat5_1 | Fld dev stat5-1 |
0x012F0062 | fld_dev_stat5_2 | Fld dev stat5-2 |
0x012F0063 | fld_dev_stat5_3 | Fld dev stat5-3 |
0x012F0064 | fld_dev_stat5_4 | Fld dev stat5-4 |
0x012F0065 | fld_dev_stat5_5 | Fld dev stat5-5 |
0x012F0066 | fld_dev_stat5_6 | Fld dev stat5-6 |
0x012F0067 | fld_dev_stat5_7 | Fld dev stat5-7 |
0x012F0068 | fld_dev_stat5_8 | Fld dev stat5-8 |
0x012F0069 | fld_dev_stat6_1 | Fld dev stat6-1 |
0x012F006A | fld_dev_stat6_2 | Fld dev stat6-2 |
0x012F006B | fld_dev_stat6_3 | Fld dev stat6-3 |
0x012F006C | fld_dev_stat6_4 | Fld dev stat6-4 |
0x012F006D | fld_dev_stat6_5 | Fld dev stat6-5 |
0x012F006E | fld_dev_stat6_6 | Fld dev stat6-6 |
0x012F006F | fld_dev_stat6_7 | Fld dev stat6-7 |
0x012F0070 | fld_dev_stat6_8 | Fld dev stat6-8 |
0x012F0071 | fld_dev_stat15_1 | Fld dev stat15-1 |
0x012F0072 | fld_dev_stat15_2 | Fld dev stat15-2 |
0x012F0073 | fld_dev_stat15_3 | Fld dev stat15-3 |
0x012F0074 | fld_dev_stat15_4 | Fld dev stat15-4 |
0x012F0075 | fld_dev_stat15_5 | Fld dev stat15-5 |
0x012F0076 | fld_dev_stat15_6 | Fld dev stat15-6 |
0x012F0077 | fld_dev_stat15_7 | Fld dev stat15-7 |
0x012F0078 | fld_dev_stat15_8 | Fld dev stat15-8 |
0x012F0079 | fld_dev_stat16_1 | Fld dev stat16-1 |
0x012F007A | fld_dev_stat16_2 | Fld dev stat16-2 |
0x012F007B | fld_dev_stat16_3 | Fld dev stat16-3 |
0x012F007C | fld_dev_stat16_4 | Fld dev stat16-4 |
0x012F007D | fld_dev_stat16_5 | Fld dev stat16-5 |
0x012F007E | fld_dev_stat16_6 | Fld dev stat16-6 |
0x012F007F | fld_dev_stat16_7 | Fld dev stat16-7 |
0x012F0080 | fld_dev_stat16_8 | Fld dev stat16-8 |
0x012F0081 | fld_dev_stat17_1 | Fld dev stat17-1 |
0x012F0082 | fld_dev_stat17_2 | Fld dev stat17-2 |
0x012F0083 | fld_dev_stat17_3 | Fld dev stat17-3 |
0x012F0084 | fld_dev_stat17_4 | Fld dev stat17-4 |
0x012F0085 | fld_dev_stat17_5 | Fld dev stat17-5 |
0x012F0086 | fld_dev_stat17_6 | Fld dev stat17-6 |
0x012F0087 | fld_dev_stat17_7 | Fld dev stat17-7 |
0x012F0088 | fld_dev_stat17_8 | Fld dev stat17-8 |
0x012F0089 | fld_dev_stat18_1 | Fld dev stat18-1 |
0x012F008A | fld_dev_stat18_2 | Fld dev stat18-2 |
0x012F008B | fld_dev_stat18_3 | Fld dev stat18-3 |
0x012F008C | fld_dev_stat18_4 | Fld dev stat18-4 |
0x012F008D | fld_dev_stat18_5 | Fld dev stat18-5 |
0x012F008E | fld_dev_stat18_6 | Fld dev stat18-6 |
0x012F008F | fld_dev_stat18_7 | Fld dev stat18-7 |
0x012F0090 | fld_dev_stat18_8 | Fld dev stat18-8 |
0x012F0091 | fld_dev_stat19_1 | Fld dev stat19-1 |
0x012F0092 | fld_dev_stat19_2 | Fld dev stat19-2 |
0x012F0093 | fld_dev_stat19_3 | Fld dev stat19-3 |
0x012F0094 | fld_dev_stat19_4 | Fld dev stat19-4 |
0x012F0095 | fld_dev_stat19_5 | Fld dev stat19-5 |
0x012F0096 | fld_dev_stat19_6 | Fld dev stat19-6 |
0x012F0097 | fld_dev_stat19_7 | Fld dev stat19-7 |
0x012F0098 | fld_dev_stat19_8 | Fld dev stat19-8 |
0x012F0099 | fld_dev_stat20_1 | Fld dev stat20-1 |
0x012F009A | fld_dev_stat20_2 | Fld dev stat20-2 |
0x012F009B | fld_dev_stat20_3 | Fld dev stat20-3 |
0x012F009C | fld_dev_stat20_4 | Fld dev stat20-4 |
0x012F009D | fld_dev_stat20_5 | Fld dev stat20-5 |
0x012F009E | fld_dev_stat20_6 | Fld dev stat20-6 |
0x012F009F | fld_dev_stat20_7 | Fld dev stat20-7 |
0x012F00A0 | fld_dev_stat20_8 | Fld dev stat20-8 |
0x012F00A1 | fld_dev_stat21_1 | Fld dev stat21-1 |
0x012F00A2 | fld_dev_stat21_2 | Fld dev stat21-2 |
0x012F00A3 | fld_dev_stat21_3 | Fld dev stat21-3 |
0x012F00A4 | fld_dev_stat21_4 | Fld dev stat21-4 |
0x012F00A5 | fld_dev_stat21_5 | Fld dev stat21-5 |
0x012F00A6 | fld_dev_stat21_6 | Fld dev stat21-6 |
0x012F00A7 | fld_dev_stat21_7 | Fld dev stat21-7 |
0x012F00A8 | fld_dev_stat21_8 | Fld dev stat21-8 |
0x012F00A9 | fld_dev_stat22_1 | Fld dev stat22-1 |
0x012F00AA | fld_dev_stat22_2 | Fld dev stat22-2 |
0x012F00AB | fld_dev_stat22_3 | Fld dev stat22-3 |
0x012F00AC | fld_dev_stat22_4 | Fld dev stat22-4 |
0x012F00AD | fld_dev_stat22_5 | Fld dev stat22-5 |
0x012F00AE | fld_dev_stat22_6 | Fld dev stat22-6 |
0x012F00AF | fld_dev_stat22_7 | Fld dev stat22-7 |
0x012F00B0 | fld_dev_stat22_8 | Fld dev stat22-8 |
0x012F00B1 | fld_dev_stat23_1 | Fld dev stat23-1 |
0x012F00B2 | fld_dev_stat23_2 | Fld dev stat23-2 |
0x012F00B3 | fld_dev_stat23_3 | Fld dev stat23-3 |
0x012F00B4 | fld_dev_stat23_4 | Fld dev stat23-4 |
0x012F00B5 | fld_dev_stat23_5 | Fld dev stat23-5 |
0x012F00B6 | fld_dev_stat23_6 | Fld dev stat23-6 |
0x012F00B7 | fld_dev_stat23_7 | Fld dev stat23-7 |
0x012F00B8 | fld_dev_stat23_8 | Fld dev stat23-8 |
0x012F00B9 | fld_dev_stat24_1 | Fld dev stat24-1 |
0x012F00BA | fld_dev_stat24_2 | Fld dev stat24-2 |
0x012F00BB | fld_dev_stat24_3 | Fld dev stat24-3 |
0x012F00BC | fld_dev_stat24_4 | Fld dev stat24-4 |
0x012F00BD | fld_dev_stat24_5 | Fld dev stat24-5 |
0x012F00BE | fld_dev_stat24_6 | Fld dev stat24-6 |
0x012F00BF | fld_dev_stat24_7 | Fld dev stat24-7 |
0x012F00C0 | fld_dev_stat24_8 | Fld dev stat24-8 |
0x012F00C1 | fld_dev_stat25_1 | Fld dev stat25-1 |
0x012F00C2 | fld_dev_stat25_2 | Fld dev stat25-2 |
0x012F00C3 | fld_dev_stat25_3 | Fld dev stat25-3 |
0x012F00C4 | fld_dev_stat25_4 | Fld dev stat25-4 |
0x012F00C5 | fld_dev_stat25_5 | Fld dev stat25-5 |
0x012F00C6 | fld_dev_stat25_6 | Fld dev stat25-6 |
0x012F00C7 | fld_dev_stat25_7 | Fld dev stat25-7 |
0x012F00C8 | fld_dev_stat25_8 | Fld dev stat25-8 |
0x012F00C9 | ao1_out_rnge_lim | AO1 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00CA | ao2_out_rnge_lim | AO2 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00CB | ao3_out_rnge_lim | AO3 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00CC | ao4_out_rnge_lim | AO4 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00CD | ao5_out_rnge_lim | AO5 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00CE | ao6_out_rnge_lim | AO6 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00CF | ao7_out_rnge_lim | AO7 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D0 | ao8_out_rnge_lim | AO8 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D1 | ao9_out_rnge_lim | AO9 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D2 | ao10_out_rnge_lim | AO10 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D3 | ao11_out_rnge_lim | AO11 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D4 | ao12_out_rnge_lim | AO12 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D5 | ao13_out_rnge_lim | AO13 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D6 | ao14_out_rnge_lim | AO14 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D7 | ao15_out_rnge_lim | AO15 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D8 | ao16_out_rnge_lim | AO16 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00D9 | ao17_out_rnge_lim | AO17 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00DA | ao18_out_rnge_lim | AO18 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00DB | ao19_out_rnge_lim | AO19 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00DC | ao20_out_rnge_lim | AO20 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00DD | ao21_out_rnge_lim | AO21 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00DE | ao22_out_rnge_lim | AO22 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00DF | ao23_out_rnge_lim | AO23 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00E0 | ao24_out_rnge_lim | AO24 Out rnge lim |
0x012F00E1 | ao1_in_fixed_mode | AO1 In fixed mode |
0x012F00E2 | ao2_in_fixed_mode | AO2 In fixed mode |
0x012F00E3 | ao3_in_fixed_mode | AO3 In fixed mode |
0x012F00E4 | ao4_in_fixed_mode | AO4 In fixed mode |
0x012F00E5 | ao5_in_fixed_mode | AO5 In fixed mode |
0x012F00E6 | ao6_in_fixed_mode | AO6 In fixed mode |
0x012F00E7 | ao7_in_fixed_mode | AO7 In fixed mode |
0x012F00E8 | ao8_in_fixed_mode | AO8 In fixed mode |
0x012F00E9 | ao9_in_fixed_mode | AO9 In fixed mode |
0x012F00EA | ao10_in_fixed_mode | AO10 In fixed mode |
0x012F00EB | ao11_in_fixed_mode | AO11 In fixed mode |
0x012F00EC | ao12_in_fixed_mode | AO12 In fixed mode |
0x012F00ED | ao13_in_fixed_mode | AO13 In fixed mode |
0x012F00EE | ao14_in_fixed_mode | AO14 In fixed mode |
0x012F00EF | ao15_in_fixed_mode | AO15 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F0 | ao16_in_fixed_mode | AO16 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F1 | ao17_in_fixed_mode | AO17 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F2 | ao18_in_fixed_mode | AO18 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F3 | ao19_in_fixed_mode | AO19 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F4 | ao20_in_fixed_mode | AO20 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F5 | ao21_in_fixed_mode | AO21 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F6 | ao22_in_fixed_mode | AO22 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F7 | ao23_in_fixed_mode | AO23 In fixed mode |
0x012F00F8 | ao24_in_fixed_mode | AO24 In fixed mode |
0x01310001 | inches_of_water_68_degrees_F_help | Inches of Water at 68 Degrees Fahrenheit |
0x01310002 | inches_of_mercury_0_degrees_C_help | Inches of Mercury at 0 Degrees Celsius |
0x01310003 | feet_of_water_68_degrees_F_help | Feet of Water at 68 Degrees Fahrenheit |
0x01310004 | millimeters_of_water_68_degrees_F_help | Millimeters of Water at 68 Degrees Fahrenheit |
0x01310005 | millimeters_of_mercury_0_degrees_C_help | Millimeters of Mercury at 0 Degrees Celsius |
0x01310006 | pounds_per_square_inch_help | Pounds Per Square Inch |
0x01310007 | bars_help | Bars |
0x01310008 | millibars_help | Millibars |
0x01310009 | grams_per_square_centimeter_help | Grams Per Square Centimeter |
0x0131000A | kilograms_per_square_centimeter_help | Kilograms Per Square Centimeter |
0x0131000B | pascals_help | Pascals |
0x0131000C | kilopascals_help | Kilopascals |
0x0131000D | torr_help | Torr @ 0 Degrees Celsius |
0x0131000E | atmospheres_help | Atmospheres |
0x0131000F | cubic_feet_per_minute_help | Cubic Feet Per Minute |
0x01310010 | gallons_per_minute_help | Gallons Per Minute |
0x01310011 | liters_per_minute_help | Liters Per Minute |
0x01310012 | imperial_gallons_per_minute_help | Imperial Gallons Per Minute |
0x01310013 | cubic_feet_per_hour_help | Cubic Feet Per Hour |
0x01310014 | feet_per_second_help | Feet Per Second |
0x01310015 | meters_per_second_help | Meters Per Second |
0x01310016 | gallons_per_second_help | Gallons Per Second |
0x01310017 | million_gallons_per_day_help | Million Gallons Per Day |
0x01310018 | liters_per_second_help | Liters Per Second |
0x01310019 | million_liters_per_day_help | Million Liters Per Day |
0x0131001A | cubic_feet_per_second_help | Cubic Feet Per Second |
0x0131001B | cubic_feet_per_day_help | Cubic Feet Per Day |
0x0131001C | cubic_meters_per_second_help | Cubic Meters Per Second |
0x0131001D | cubic_meters_per_day_help | Cubic Meters Per Day |
0x0131001E | imperial_gallons_per_hour_help | Imperial Gallons Per Hour |
0x0131001F | imperial_gallons_per_day_help | Imperial Gallons Per Day |
0x01310020 | degrees_celsius_help | Degrees Celsius |
0x01310021 | degrees_fahrenheit_help | Degrees Fahrenheit |
0x01310022 | degrees_rankine_help | Degrees Rankine |
0x01310023 | degrees_kelvin_help | Degrees Kelvin |
0x01310024 | millivolts_help | Millivolts |
0x01310025 | ohms_help | Ohms |
0x01310026 | hertz_help | Hertz |
0x01310027 | milliamperes_help | Milliamperes |
0x01310028 | gallons_help | Gallons |
0x01310029 | liters_help | Liters |
0x0131002A | imperial_gallons_help | Imperial Gallons |
0x0131002B | cubic_meters_help | Cubic Meters |
0x0131002C | feet_help | Feet |
0x0131002D | meters_help | Meters |
0x0131002E | barrels_help | Barrels |
0x0131002F | inches_help | Inches |
0x01310030 | centimeters_help | Centimeters |
0x01310031 | millimeters_help | Millimeters |
0x01310032 | minutes_help | Minutes |
0x01310033 | seconds_help | Seconds |
0x01310034 | hours_help | Hours |
0x01310035 | days_help | Days |
0x01310036 | centistokes_help | Centistokes |
0x01310037 | centipoise_help | Centipoise |
0x01310038 | microsiemens_help | Microsiemens |
0x01310039 | percent_help | Percent |
0x0131003A | volts_help | Volts |
0x0131003B | pH_help | pH |
0x0131003C | grams_help | Grams |
0x0131003D | kilograms_help | Kilograms |
0x0131003E | metric_tons_help | Metric Tons |
0x0131003F | pounds_help | Pounds |
0x01310040 | short_tons_help | Short Tons (2000 Pounds) |
0x01310041 | long_tons_help | Long Tons (2240 Pounds) |
0x01310042 | grams_per_second_help | Grams Per Second |
0x01310043 | grams_per_minute_help | Grams Per Minute |
0x01310044 | grams_per_hour_help | Grams Per Hour |
0x01310045 | kilograms_per_second_help | Kilograms Per Second |
0x01310046 | kilograms_per_minute_help | Kilograms Per Minute |
0x01310047 | kilograms_per_hour_help | Kilograms Per Hour |
0x01310048 | kilograms_per_day_help | Kilograms Per Day |
0x01310049 | metric_tons_per_minute_help | Metric Tons Per Minute |
0x0131004A | metric_tons_per_hour_help | Metric Tons Per Hour |
0x0131004B | metric_tons_per_day_help | Metric Tons Per Day |
0x0131004C | pounds_per_second_help | Pounds Per Second |
0x0131004D | pounds_per_minute_help | Pounds Per Minute |
0x0131004E | pounds_per_hour_help | Pounds Per Hour |
0x0131004F | pounds_per_day_help | Pounds Per Day |
0x01310050 | short_tons_per_minute_help | Short Tons (2000 Pounds) Per Minute |
0x01310051 | short_tons_per_hour_help | Short Tons (2000 Pounds) Per Hour |
0x01310052 | short_tons_per_day_help | Short Tons (2000 Pounds) Per Day |
0x01310053 | long_tons_per_hour_help | Long Tons (2240 Pounds) Per Hour |
0x01310054 | long_tons_per_day_help | Long Tons (2240 Pounds) Per Day |
0x01310055 | specific_gravity_units_help | Specific Gravity Units |
0x01310056 | grams_per_cubic_centimeter_help | Grams Per Cubic Centimeter |
0x01310057 | kilograms_per_cubic_meter_help | Kilograms Per Cubic Meter |
0x01310058 | pounds_per_gallon_help | Pounds Per Gallon |
0x01310059 | pounds_per_cubic_foot_help | Pounds Per Cubic Foot |
0x0131005A | grams_per_milliliter_help | Grams Per Milliliter |
0x0131005B | kilograms_per_liter_help | Kilograms Per liter |
0x0131005C | grams_per_liter_help | Grams Per Liter |
0x0131005D | pounds_per_cubic_inch_help | Pounds Per Cubic Inch |
0x0131005E | short_tons_per_cubic_yard_help | Short Tons (2000 Pounds) Per Cubic Yard |
0x0131005F | degrees_twaddell_help | Degrees Twaddell |
0x01310060 | degrees_brix_help | Degrees Brix |
0x01310061 | degrees_baume_heavy_help | Degrees Baume - Heavy |
0x01310062 | degrees_baume_light_help | Degrees Baume - Light |
0x01310063 | degrees_API_help | Degrees API |
0x01310064 | percent_solids_per_weight_help | Percent Solids Per Weight |
0x01310065 | percent_solids_per_volume_help | Percent Solids Per Volume |
0x01310066 | degrees_balling_help | Degrees Balling |
0x01310067 | proof_per_volume_help | Proof Per Volume |
0x01310068 | proof_per_mass_help | Proof Per Mass |
0x01310069 | bushels_help | Bushels |
0x0131006A | cubic_yards_help | Cubic Yards |
0x0131006B | cubic_feet_help | Cubic Feet |
0x0131006C | cubic_inches_help | Cubic Inches |
0x0131006D | meters_per_hour_help | Meters Per Hour |
0x0131006F | cubic_meters_per_minute_help | Cubic Meters Per Minute |
0x01310070 | barrels_per_second_help | Barrels Per Second |
0x01310071 | barrels_per_minute_help | Barrels Per Minute |
0x01310072 | barrels_per_hour_help | Barrels Per Hour |
0x01310073 | barrels_per_day_help | Barrels Per Day |
0x01310074 | gallons_per_hour_help | Gallons Per Hour |
0x01310075 | imperial_gallons_per_second_help | Imperial Gallons Per Second |
0x01310076 | liters_per_hour_help | Liters Per Hour |
0x01310077 | percent_steam_quality_help | Percent Steam Quality |
0x01310078 | feet_inches_sixteenths_help | Feet inches Sixteenths |
0x01310079 | cubic_feet_per_pound_help | Cubic Feet Per Pound |
0x0131007A | picofarads_help | Picofarads |
0x0131007B | percent_plato_help | Percent Plato |
0x0131007C | gallons_per_day_help | Gallons Per Day |
0x0131007D | hectoliters_help | Hectoliters |
0x0131007E | megapascals_help | Megapascals |
0x0131007F | inches_of_water_4_degrees_C_help | Inches of Water at 4 Degrees Celsius |
0x01310080 | millimeters_of_water_4_degrees_C_help | Millimeters of Water at 4 Degrees Celsius |
0x01310081 | carbon_steel_help | Carbon Steel |
0x01310082 | stainless_steel_304_help | 304 Stainless Steel |
0x01310083 | stainless_steel_316_help | 316 Stainless Steel |
0x01310084 | hastelloy_c_help | Hastelloy C |
0x01310085 | monel_help | Monel |
0x01310086 | tantalum_help | Tantalum |
0x01310087 | titanium_help | Titanium |
0x01310088 | platinum_iridium_help | Platinum-Iridium |
0x01310089 | alloy_20_help | Alloy 20 |
0x0131008A | cobalt_chromium_nickel_help | Cobalt-Chromium-Nickel |
0x0131008B | ptfe_teflon_help | PTFE(Teflon) |
0x0131008C | viton_help | Viton |
0x0131008D | buna_n_help | Buna-N |
0x0131008E | ethyl_prop_help | Ethyl-Prop |
0x0131008F | urethane_help | Urethane |
0x01310090 | gold_help | Gold |
0x01310091 | tefzel_help | Tefzel |
0x01310092 | ryton_help | Ryton |
0x01310093 | ceramic_help | Ceramic |
0x01310094 | stainless_steel_316l_help | 316L Stainless Steel |
0x01310095 | pvc_help | PVC |
0x01310096 | nitrile_rubber_help | Nitrile Rubber |
0x01310097 | kalrez_help | Kalrez |
0x01310098 | inconel_help | Inconel |
0x01310099 | kynar_help | Kynar |
0x0131009A | aluminum_help | Aluminum |
0x0131009B | nickel_help | Nickel |
0x0131009C | hastelloy_c_276_help | Hastelloy C 276 |
0x0131009D | monel_400_help | Monel 400 |
0x0131009E | linear_help | Linear |
0x0131009F | square_root_help | Square root |
0x013100A0 | square_root_third_power_help | Square Root to the Third Power |
0x013100A1 | square_root_fifth_power_help | Square Root to the Fifth Power |
0x013100A2 | special_curve_help | Special curve |
0x013100A3 | square_root_plus_special_curve_help | Square Root Plus Special Curve |
0x013100A4 | square_root_third_power_plus_special_curve_help | Square Root to the Third Power Plus Special Curve |
0x013100A5 | square_root_fifth_power_plus_special_curve_help | Square Root to the Fifth Power Plus Special Curve |
0x013100A6 | high_help | High |
0x013100A7 | low_help | Low |
0x013100A8 | hold_last_output_value_help | Hold Last Output Value |
0x013100A9 | analog_output_1_help | Analog Output 1 |
0x013100AA | analog_output_2_help | Analog Output 2 |
0x013100AB | analog_output_3_help | Analog Output 3 |
0x013100AC | analog_output_4_help | Analog Output 4 |
0x01900003 | default_label | No Label Available |
0x01910001 | hart_block_label | |
Reference ID | Label | String |