Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
compat_burst_trig_units_2 402B Burst Trigger Units R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_trig_level_2 402C Burst Trigger Level R/W Float 2048
compat_burst_cmd_3 402E Burst Command Burst Option- Selects the variable(s) that will be Bursted if Burst Mode is enabled. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_mode_3 402F Burst mode Burst Mode Select- Selects the mode for the Burst Mode functionality. If Burst is enabled the Field Device will generate HART messages on the Link without individual requests from the Host. R/W Enum 2048
compat_update_per_3 4030 Update Period Update period for burst message R/W Time 2048
compat_max_update_per_3 4031 Max Update Period Maxium update period for burst message R/W Time 2048
compat_burst_vars_0_3 4032 BM3 Slot 0 Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_vars_1_3 4033 BM3 Slot 1 Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_vars_2_3 4034 BM3 Slot 2 Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_vars_3_3 4035 BM3 Slot 3 Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_vars_4_3 4036 BM3 Slot 4 Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_vars_5_3 4037 BM3 Slot 5 Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_vars_6_3 4038 BM3 Slot 6 Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_vars_7_3 4039 BM3 Slot 7 Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_trig_mode_3 403A Burst Msg Trigger Mode R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_trig_class_3 403B Burst Trigger Class R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_trig_units_3 403C Burst Trigger Units R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_trig_level_3 403D Burst Trigger Level R/W Float 2048
burst_variable_slot0_for_edit 436F Burst Variable SLOT0 for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_variable_slot1_for_edit 4370 Burst Variable SLOT1 for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_variable_slot2_for_edit 4371 Burst Variable SLOT2 for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_variable_slot3_for_edit 4372 Burst Variable SLOT3 for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_variable_slot4_for_edit 4373 Burst Variable SLOT4 for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_variable_slot5_for_edit 4374 Burst Variable SLOT5 for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_variable_slot6_for_edit 4375 Burst Variable SLOT6 for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_variable_slot7_for_edit 4376 Burst Variable SLOT7 for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_command_number_for_edit 405D Burst Command number for edit R/W Enum 4096
event_notification_retry_time_event_for_edit 405E Event Notification retry time for edit R/W Time 4096
max_update_time_event_for_edit 405F Event Notification maximum update time for edit R/W Time 4096
event_debounce_interval_event_for_edit 4060 Event Notification de-bounce interval for edit R/W Time 4096
update_period_for_edit 4061 Burst Message update period for edit R/W Time 4096
max_update_period_for_edit 4062 Burst Message max update period for edit R/W Time 4096
burst_message_trigger_mode_for_edit 4063 Burst Message trigger mode for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_trigger_classification_for_edit 4064 Burst Message trigger classification for edit R/W Enum 4096
burst_trigger_units_for_edit 4065 Burst Message trigger units for edit R/W Enum 4096
trigger_level_for_edit 4066 Burst Message trigger level for edit R/W Float 4096
simulation_flag_for_edit 4067 simulation flag simulation flag R/W Enum 4096
simulation_value_for_edit 4069 simulation value R/W Float 4096
simulation_unit_for_edit 406B simulation unit R/W Enum 4096
simulation_data_quality_for_edit 406D simulation data quality status R/W Enum 4096
simulation_limit_status_for_edit 406E simulation limit status R/W Enum 4096
simulation_value_for_check 406F simulation value R/W Float 4096
simulation_unit_for_check 4070 simulation unit R/W Enum 4096
lower_trim_for_edit 4071 lower trim point value for edit lower trim point value for edit R/W Float 4096
upper_trim_for_edit 4072 upper trim point value for edit upper trim point value for edit R/W Float 4096
trim_unit_for_check 4073 trim unit R/W Enum 4096
last_clock_date_for_edit 40AD Set Clock Date Date to set the real-time clock in the field device to, or date that the real-time clock was last set R/W HartDate 4096
last_clock_time_for_edit 40AE Set Clock Time Time to set the real time clock in the field device to, or time that the real-time clock was last set R/W Time 4096
loopCurrent_for_edit 40AF Loop current Loop Current- Loop current value as perceived by the device. R/W Float 4096
sensor1ProbeType_for_edit 4214 Sns1 Probe Type R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class