Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
burst_var_code 4000 Burst var 1 is Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 4096
yta_610_mode 404C YTA 610 Mode R/W Enum 0
is_2_sensor_support 4001 Number of Sensors R/W Enum 0
is_cvd_support 404D Sensor Matching Support R/W Enum 0
is_si_unit_limited 404E SI Unit R/W Enum 0
is_reverse_calc 404F Reverse Calc R/W Enum 0
is_high_accurate_cjc 4050 Amb Temp Compensation R/W Enum 0
squawk_control 0988 Squawk W Enum 2048
deviceVariables_simulation 405A Device Variables for Simulation Device Variables for Simulation R/W Enum 4096
probeConnection 4074 Probe Connection R Enum 0
dv_family_code 4078 Device Family Variable R/W Index 4096
sensor_drift_units 4079 Sns Drift Th Unit R/W Enum 0
sensor_drift_threshold 407A Sns Drift Thrshld R/W Float 0
maxmin_reset_sensor_no 407B Sensor Number to Reset Max/Min R/W Unsigned 0
operation_time_ascii 407C Operation Time R ASCII 2
operation_time_u32 407D Operation Time sec R Unsigned 2
test_auto_release_time 407E Auto Release Time R/W Enum 0
sensor_backup_state 407F Sensor Backup State R Enum 2050
loop_current_endpoint_lower 4080 AO lower endpoint R Float 0
loop_current_endpoint_upper 4081 AO upper endpoint R Float 0
loop_current_limit_lower 4082 AO Lower Limit R/W Float 0
loop_current_limit_upper 4083 AO Upper Limit R/W Float 0
loop_current_damping 4084 AO Damping R/W Float 0
loop_current_damp_point 4085 AO Damp Point R/W Float 0
ta_cnt_req 4086 ta_cnt_req R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_framing 4087 ta_cnt_framing R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_overrun 4088 ta_cnt_overrun R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_parity 4089 ta_cnt_parity R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_noise 408A ta_cnt_noise R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_crc 408B ta_cnt_crc R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_other 408C ta_cnt_other R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_normal_resp 408D ta_cnt_normal_resp R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_exception 408E ta_cnt_exception R Unsigned 0
ta_cnt_no_resp 408F ta_cnt_no_response R Unsigned 0
sensor_burnout_direction 4090 AO Sensor BO Dir R/W Enum 0
sensor_burnout_user_output_unit 4091 AO Sensor BO Unit R/W Enum 0
sensor_burnout_user_output 4092 AO Sns BO Usr Val R/W Float 0
ms_code1 4093 MS Code1 R ASCII 0
ms_code2 4094 MS Code2 R ASCII 0
ms_code3 4095 MS Code3 R ASCII 0
rom_revision 4096 ROM Revision R ASCII 0
serial_number 4097 Serial Number R ASCII 0
manufacture_date 4098 Manufacture Date R/W HartDate 0
eep_state 4099 EEP State R ASCII 0
write_protect_hw 409A Write Protect HW R Enum 2050
write_protect_hmi 409B Write Protect HMI R Enum 2050
write_protect_sw 409C Write Protect SW R Enum 2050
enable_write_password 409D Enable wrt passwd R/W PackedAscii 0
new_password 409E New password R/W PackedAscii 2048
joker_passwd_log 409F Software seal R Enum 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class